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File datastream.h
Investigate how required these stream implementations are
Page Mac OS X Development Tools

This page need a Mac OS Maintainer

Something should be said about sublime text and what about GUIs for git?

Namespace Mezzanine

This exists because somewhere in our chain of includes we have "winnt.h" (on windows) defining "KEY_EXECUTE", which causes the compile to fail at the line declaring "KEY_EXECUTE". I am reasonably certain this only exists when <Ogre.h> is included above this file in the include chain.

Fill out the Simple Data Types with all the enumerations.

Member Mezzanine::ActorManager::ActorManager (World *Creator, const XML::Node &XMLNode)
This class currently doesn't initialize anything from XML, if that changes this constructor needs to be expanded.
Member Mezzanine::AreaEffect::ProtoDeSerializeProxies (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
I don't think an exception is appropriate for the failure of the worldmanager validity checks, however a warning should be written to the log if that happens. This should be updated to do that once logging refactors are done.
Member Mezzanine::AreaEffectManager::AreaEffectManager (World *Creator, const XML::Node &XMLNode)
This class currently doesn't initialize anything from XML, if that changes this constructor needs to be expanded.
Member Mezzanine::AxisAlignedBox::GetSidePlane (Side WhichSidePlane) const
This plane stuff is farfrom optimal,
Member Mezzanine::ConvertTo (const From &Datum)
Overload ConvertTo for ToString Conversions.
Member Mezzanine::CountedPtrCastImpl< ReturnPointer, OriginalPointer, CountedPointerCastingState >::Cast (OriginalPointer)
make this conditionally fail to compile.
Member Mezzanine::DebrisManager::DebrisManager (World *Creator, const XML::Node &XMLNode)
This class currently doesn't initialize anything from XML, if that changes this constructor needs to be expanded.
Member Mezzanine::DefaultEventManagerFactory::CreateManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::DefaultEventManagerFactory::CreateManager (const NameValuePairList &Params)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Entresol::Entresol ()
In the Entrosol, remove all references to a plugins file
Member Mezzanine::EventManager::EventManager ()
TODO: Make the EventManager completely thread safe. IF this is completely thread safe, we can spawn numerous individual thread each accessing this and and the performance gain would almost scale directly with cpu core count increases. Look at boost scoped_lock
Member Mezzanine::EventManager::EventManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
This class currently doesn't initialize anything from XML, if that changes this constructor needs to be expanded.
Member Mezzanine::FieldOfForce::ApplyEffect ()

This currently will apply this fields force uniformly to all rigid proxies contained in a WorldObject. Instead this should perhaps apply only to the ones in the field, or perhaps apply force based on the proxy position rather than the WorldObject position to get more interesting results.

Update to allow the application of force to soft proxies.

Member Mezzanine::Graphics::BillboardSetProxy::GetMaterialName () const
These by-name methods should be removed when we have a working material wrapper.
Returns a string containing the name of the material being used to render this BillboardSetProxy.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::BillboardSetProxy::SetMaterialName (const String &MatName)
These by-name methods should be removed when we have a working material wrapper.
MatNameThe name of the material to apply.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::CameraProxy::GetProxyType () const

Wrap LOD related methods (Camera/Bias).

Wrap reflection methods?

Member Mezzanine::Graphics::DefaultGraphicsManagerFactory::CreateManager (const NameValuePairList &Params)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::DefaultGraphicsManagerFactory::CreateManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::DefaultMeshManagerFactory::CreateManager (const NameValuePairList &Params)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::DefaultMeshManagerFactory::CreateManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::DefaultTextureManagerFactory::CreateManager (const NameValuePairList &Params)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::DefaultTextureManagerFactory::CreateManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::DestroyD3D11RenderSystem ()
If Ogre gets its act together this method could be implemented.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::DestroyD3D9RenderSystem ()
If Ogre gets its act together this method could be implemented.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::DestroyGL3PlusRenderSystem ()
If Ogre gets its act together this method could be implemented.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::DestroyGLES2RenderSystem ()
If Ogre gets its act together this method could be implemented.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::DestroyGLESRenderSystem ()
If Ogre gets its act together this method could be implemented.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::DestroyGLRenderSystem ()
If Ogre gets its act together this method could be implemented.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::EntityProxy::GetProxyType () const

Create sub-entity access methods on this class.

Create minor material manipulation methods on this class.

Create Animation state and Skeleton access methods on this class.

Member Mezzanine::Graphics::GameWindow::ProtoSerializeProperties (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const
Currently the maximized setting does nothing in the gamewindow. If it gets implemented, so does this.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::GraphicsManager::ApplySettingGroupImpl (ObjectSettingGroup *Group)
May want to make some other data member so that people can accurately get what is set now, instead of what will be set.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::GraphicsManager::Deinitialize ()
Here is where we should be shutting down the rendersystem, but Ogre in it's poorly coded ways wasn't designed for that unless you are also deleting Ogre::Root. Take it up with them if you don't like it. (tell me where the thread is when you do, I'll join in) Related: http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=77036&sid=a7ce7512032eb851d50da083795198f3
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::GraphicsManager::GraphicsManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
This is currently necessary because a render window of some kind needs to exist for the loading of resources that occurs later in world construction (when this is constructed by the world, which this assumes. If possible this should be removed, to keep construction more flexible.
Class Mezzanine::Graphics::MeshInfo
This is fairly simple struct that doesn't encompass all of the data a Vertex can have, just what they commonly have. As such, this should be extended to better account for the various vertex formats.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::MeshManager::MeshManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
This class currently doesn't initialize anything from XML, if that changes this constructor needs to be expanded.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::ParticleSystemProxy::ParticleSystemProxy (const UInt32 ID, const String &Template, SceneManager *Creator)
Create a non-template constructor so people can make particle effects entirely from c++.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::Procedural::BlitModifier::Modify (TextureBuffer &Buffer)
This algorithm is pretty basic pixel fetch and makes no attempt at sampling pixels for the proper colour. This should up updated to do some actual sampling.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::Procedural::CircleModifier::Modify (TextureBuffer &Buffer)
Investigate the proper implementation of this algorithm. This appears to be the Midpoint Circle Algorithm, but also can't handle the left and right edges after the angle becomes perfectly diagonal. This should be able to produce superior results, faster, compared to the brute force algorithm above.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::Procedural::ConvolutionModifier::Modify (TextureBuffer &Buffer)
The X and Y here was originally swapped when I transposed the code from Ogre Procedural. It didn't seem right so I changed it. Who is wronger?
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::Procedural::MeshLoader::AddToTriangleBuffer (TriangleBuffer &Buffer) const
This doesn't account for the submesh name. Should research/consider adding this.
Class Mezzanine::Graphics::Procedural::NormalsModifier
Document the Amplify member.
Class Mezzanine::Graphics::Procedural::TextureBuffer
Verify byte order and endian-ness isn't an issue on all supported platforms.
Class Mezzanine::Graphics::Procedural::TorusKnotGenerator
This is a fairly simple implementation of a knoted torus, ideally suited to generating a Trefoil Knot. Additional paramters could be added to give this generator more flexibility. See the following link for details: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Curve/Torus_Knot
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::Skeleton::GetName () const

Implement these

Implement these

Member Mezzanine::Graphics::SubMesh::GetInfo (MeshInfo &ToFill) const
Should probably be replaced with something that calls our material manager.
Member Mezzanine::Graphics::TextureManager::TextureManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
This class currently doesn't initialize anything from XML, if that changes this constructor needs to be expanded.
Member Mezzanine::GravityWell::ApplyEffect ()

This currently will apply this fields force uniformly to all rigid proxies contained in a WorldObject. Instead this should perhaps apply only to the ones in the field, or perhaps apply force based on the proxy position rather than the WorldObject position to get more interesting results.

Update to allow the application of force to soft proxies.

Member Mezzanine::Input::DefaultInputManagerFactory::CreateManager (const NameValuePairList &Params)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Input::DefaultInputManagerFactory::CreateManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Class Mezzanine::Input::Keyboard
SDL mentions a ModState for keys. May want to implement that.
Member Mezzanine::Input::Mouse::GetMouseCursor ()
Implement this.
Member Mezzanine::Input::Mouse::UpdateImpl (const MetaCodeContainer &DeltaCodes, MetaCodeContainer &GeneratedCodes)

Getting the mouse focus doesn't do what I originally thought it would. When a mouse leaves a window, the focus isn't set to NULL as expected. If you have only one window, then it just stays pointing to that window. If you have two then it will stay on the first window until you mouse over the second, even if there is a space between the windows. This should be updated somehow so that we can set "HoveredWindow" to NULL when none of our windows are being hovered.

This code isn't as graceful as I am sure it can be made.

Member Mezzanine::Input::Mouse::WarpCursorToPosition (Graphics::GameWindow *Win, const Vector2 &Position)
Implement this.
Member Mezzanine::Input::MultitouchCodeCompare (const MetaCode &First, const MetaCode &Second)
When our support for Multitouch devices expands this may need to be expanded as well.
Member Mezzanine::Matrix3x3::Transpose () const
I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea what the hell the Transpose of a 3x3 Matrix is or what it is used for...this doc could use a touchup. In fact most of the doc's on this class could use a review.
Returns a new Matrix3x3 that is a Transposed copy of this.
Member Mezzanine::Matrix4x4::Transpose () const
I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea what the hell the Transpose of a 4x4 Matrix is or what it is used for...this doc could use a touchup. In fact most of the doc's on this class could use a review.
Returns a new Matrix4x4 that is a Transposed copy of this.
Member Mezzanine::Network::DefaultNetworkManagerFactory::CreateManager (const NameValuePairList &Params)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Network::DefaultNetworkManagerFactory::CreateManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Network::FTPCommand::ConvertCommand (const String &Command)
This switch-case, while certainly fast, is massive and not pretty. It could be possible to generate a hash for each command and assign the hash value to the enum and convert it directly. That could reduce the size of this method to about 5 or less lines of code at the cost of some processing speed IF it can be verified there would be no collisions in the hashes. It should be decided later if such a thing would be worthwhile.
Member Mezzanine::Network::NetworkManager::NetworkManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
This class currently doesn't initialize anything from XML, if that changes this constructor needs to be expanded.
Class Mezzanine::Network::Packet
Update this with information on how to manually detect the MTU between local and remote hosts.
Member Mezzanine::Network::URI::RemoveDotSegments (String &ToRemove, const Boole Relative)
This permits dot segments that move up the directory hierarchy to be at the start of the path. Research needs to be done to determine if this is explicitly a part of the specification and/or how often it is used. Until then some of this code will be commented out to protect from directory traversal attacks.
Member Mezzanine::ObjectSettingsHandler::LoadSettingsFromFile (const String &FileName, const String &Path)
Replace this stack allocated stream for one initialized from the Resource Manager, after the system is ready.
Member Mezzanine::ObjectSettingsHandler::ProtoSerialize (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const

Add more checks to verify successful appending.

Add serialization and methods for serializing the group or path.

Member Mezzanine::ObjectSettingsHandler::SaveSettingsToFile (StringVector &GroupNames, const String &FileName, const String &Path)
Replace this stack allocated stream for one initialized from the Resource Manager, after the system is ready.
Member Mezzanine::Physics::CollisionShapeManager::CollisionShapeManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
This class currently doesn't initialize anything from XML, if that changes this constructor needs to be expanded.
Member Mezzanine::Physics::CollisionShapeManager::LoadAllShapesFromXMLFile (const String &FileName, const String &Group)
Replace this stack allocated stream for one initialized from the Resource Manager, after the system is ready.
Member Mezzanine::Physics::CollisionShapeManager::SaveAllStoredShapesToXMLFile (const String &FileName)
Replace this stack allocated stream for one initialized from the Resource Manager, after the system is ready.
Member Mezzanine::Physics::CollisionShapeManager::SaveShapesToXMLFile (const String &FileName, ShapeVector &ShapesToSave)
Replace this stack allocated stream for one initialized from the Resource Manager, after the system is ready.
Member Mezzanine::Physics::CreateShape (XML::Node OneNode)

Complete CreateShape function once DynamicMeshCollisionShape can be deserialized

Complete CreateShape function once SoftCollisionShape can be deserialized

Complete CreateShape function once StaticMeshCollisionShape can be deserialized

Complete CreateShape function once SoftCollisionShape can be deserialized

Complete CreateShape function once StaticMeshCollisionShape can be deserialized

Complete CreateShape function once SoftCollisionShape can be deserialized

Complete CreateShape function once StaticMeshCollisionShape can be deserialized

Member Mezzanine::Physics::DefaultCollisionShapeManagerFactory::CreateManager (const NameValuePairList &Params)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Physics::DefaultCollisionShapeManagerFactory::CreateManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Physics::Generic6DofConstraint::Generic6DofConstraint (const UInt32 ID, RigidProxy *Prox1, PhysicsManager *Creator)
Assess whether or not the array access methods here should be wrapped in bounds checks, as Bullet only does bounds checks for half of them, if that.
Member Mezzanine::Physics::PhysicsManager::ProcessAllCollisions ()
This is an absurd round-about way to get the data we need, and bullet will probably have to be extended to change this so it's actually good.
Member Mezzanine::Physics::Point2PointConstraint::SetTAU (const Real TAU)

Research this more carefully.

Member Mezzanine::Physics::StaticMeshCollisionShape::StaticMeshCollisionShape (const String &Name, btBvhTriangleMeshShape *BulletShape)
May need to create a btScaledBvhTriangleMeshShape for scaling this shape appropriately.
Member Mezzanine::RayQueryTool::GetFirstObjectOnRayByAABB (Ray ObjectRay, Whole ObjectFlags)

TODO: The function WorldQueryTool::GetFirstActorOnRayByAABB does not return an valid offset. This needs to be calculated somehow.

TODO: The function WorldQueryTool::GetFirstActorOnRayByAABB has not been tested and needs to be tested

TODO: The function WorldQueryTool::GetFirstActorOnRayByAABB does not take other obstructions into account

Member Mezzanine::RayQueryTool::GetFirstObjectOnRayByPolygon (Ray ObjectRay, Whole ObjectFlags)
Modify this so we can check for more movable types than just entities.
Member Mezzanine::RayQueryTool::ProtoDeSerialize (const XML::Node &OneNode)
This is temporary code that should be replaced with something more robust to find the proper world object.
Member Mezzanine::Resource::AssetGroup::OpenAssetStream (const String &AssetName)
This entire method is a bit of a hack. When the resource system gets refactored it should go through our archives or whatever equivalent. Since we currently have to put up with Ogre's system, we'll use it for now as a hack.
Member Mezzanine::Resource::DefaultResourceManagerFactory::CreateManager (const NameValuePairList &Params)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Resource::DefaultResourceManagerFactory::CreateManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::Resource::ResourceManager::ResourceManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
This class currently doesn't initialize anything from XML, if that changes this constructor needs to be expanded.
Member Mezzanine::Resource::Which (const String &ExecutableName)
Add support for extension handling on windows. "cmd" should find "cmd.exe" in system32, but currently "cmd.exe" needs to be searched.
ExecutableNameThe executable to look for.
If the executable is not found "" is returned otherwise the first directory in the PATH containing it is returned.
Member Mezzanine::RigidDebris::ProtoDeSerializeProxies (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
I don't think an exception is appropriate for the failure of the worldmanager validity checks, however a warning should be written to the log if that happens. This should be updated to do that once logging refactors are done.
Class Mezzanine::Scripting::iScriptCompilable

Add sample code of safe cast in ScriptCompilable, becuase that is kinda wierd.

Put the Virtual inheritance back into the this class

Member Mezzanine::Scripting::Lua::Lua51ScriptingEngine::Execute (CountedPtr< iScript > &ScriptToRun)
fill in the kind of exception thrown.
Member Mezzanine::ScriptSubscriberSlot::_NotifyEvent (EventArgumentsPtr Args)
This needs to be implemented.
Member Mezzanine::SerializeError (const String &FailedTo, const String &ClassName, Boole SOrD=true)
This may not be an appropriate type of exception to throw here, should evaluate if a new exception is needed at some point.
Member Mezzanine::SoftDebris::ProtoDeSerializeProxies (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
I don't think an exception is appropriate for the failure of the worldmanager validity checks, however a warning should be written to the log if that happens. This should be updated to do that once logging refactors are done.
Member Mezzanine::StringTools::ConvertToString (const Input::InputCode &Code, Boole ShiftPressed)
Get this ( StringTools::ConvertToString ) to support non us keyboards
Member Mezzanine::TerrainManager::RemoveAllTerrains ()
When adding more types of terrains, it should be remembered that code should be added to clear the extra vectors.
Member Mezzanine::TerrainManager::TerrainManager (World *Creator, const XML::Node &XMLNode)
This class currently doesn't initialize anything from XML, if that changes this constructor needs to be expanded.
Member Mezzanine::Threading::FrameScheduler::DependentGraph
write this warning, it is important, but not easy to lay out.
Member Mezzanine::Threading::FrameScheduler::ResetAllWorkUnits ()
could be replace with a parallel for, or a monopoly
Member Mezzanine::Threading::FrameScheduler::WaitUntilNextFrame ()
Replace hard-code timeout with compiler/define/cmake_option
Page Mezzanine::UI Manual

When hotkeys become available, they will also be able to manipulate/switch the focus.

Currently this is a (very) small section because while the structure is there no actual checks are performed. In the future Actions or tab switching between Widgets may go here.

Member Mezzanine::UI::Character::GetUnscaledVerticalOffset () const
If we want to change how normal text is aligned on the Y axis, we need to update this.
Member Mezzanine::UI::CS_Clickable
When additional fonts are no longer needed for bold, italics, etc. style font and such, add those basic properties here.
Member Mezzanine::UI::DefaultUIManagerFactory::CreateManager (const NameValuePairList &Params)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::UI::DefaultUIManagerFactory::CreateManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
Add something to log a warning that the manager exists and was requested to be constructed when we have a logging manager set up.
Member Mezzanine::UI::DropDownList::UpdateCurrentSelection (Widget *NewSelection)
This currently assumes the default ZOrder assigned to text layers in list items. If that should change or be more conveniently configurable, this should be updated.
Member Mezzanine::UI::EditBox::HandleInputImpl (const Input::MetaCode &Code)

Enable repeat backspace somehow.

Enable repeat move somehow.

Enable repeat move somehow.

Member Mezzanine::UI::ListBox::SetScrollbarWidth (const UnifiedDim &ScrollWidth)
Update for Autohide.
Member Mezzanine::UI::ListBox::UpdateDimensions (const Rect &OldSelfRect, const Rect &NewSelfRect)
Update for Autohide.
Member Mezzanine::UI::MarkupParser::GenerateCharactersFromToken (const TextToken *Token, TextLayer *Layer, const CharacterTraits &Traits, CharacterContainer &Characters) const
As the CharacterTraits class expands, so does this logic.
Member Mezzanine::UI::MultiImageLayer::ProtoDeSerializeProperties (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
This loop expects the listed order in the XML to match the order in which they were serialized. Within PugiXML at least this shouldn't be a problem, however if Images start appearing out of order it may be worthwhile to investigate or add some ordering redundancy.
Member Mezzanine::UI::PagedContainer::ProtoDeSerializePageData (const XML::Node &SelfRoot)

This is a blind cast and can cause some issues if the configuration is edited externally such that the named widget isn't a provider. Some check may being added may be warrented.

This is a blind cast and can cause some issues if the configuration is edited externally such that the named widget isn't a provider. Some check may being added may be warrented.

Member Mezzanine::UI::RenderLayer::NotifyActive ()
As settings are added that need may need to be modified, this method should be updated. Prime candidate for this is Animations.
Member Mezzanine::UI::RenderLayer::NotifyInactive ()
As settings are added that need may need to be modified, this method should be updated. Prime candidate for this is Animations.
Member Mezzanine::UI::Screen::GetSceneManager () const
This function exists (as opposed to storing a pointer that doesn't change) so that if changes in the viewport configuration occur this will pick up on that. However the render queue listener that is added in this class' constructor never gets re-assigned. This needs to be fixed. Until then if a change does occur the UI will be rendered at a different time then it needs to be, potentially overwritten by the scene render.
Member Mezzanine::UI::TextLayer::GetCharacterAtOffset (const Vector2 &Offset) const

The way this logic works, in the event of a slight bit of clipping at the bottom of the quad space that isn't enough for the next line, this logic will assume that space is a part of the last line. Is that a problem?

In the event that letter spacing for the font is big ( >0 ), and the point provided rests on a gap in the spacing, this algorithm will grab the character to the right as the hovered character. Is that a problem?

Member Mezzanine::UI::TextLayer::SetDefaultFont (FontData *NewFont)
Throw an error?
Member Mezzanine::UI::TextLayer::SetText (const String &Text)
Character generation and storage is a good candidate for pool allocation.
Member Mezzanine::UI::TextureAtlas::TextureAtlas (const String &Name, const UInt32 &Width, const UInt32 &Height)
This is just a starter code sample for proceadurally generated texture atlases. Not ready and needs to be completed.
Member Mezzanine::UI::TextureAtlasHandler::LoadAtlasFromFile (const String &Name, const String &Group="UI")
Update after we have refactored the resource system if needed.
Member Mezzanine::UI::UIManager::HandlePostFocusControllerInput (const Input::MetaCode &Code)
There is currently nothing that the UI system as a whole needs controller inputs. Perhaps when we implement consoles this should be expanded, maybe even sooner then that.
Member Mezzanine::UI::UIManager::HandlePostFocusInput (const Input::MetaCode &Code)
If other devices are added, appropriate functions should be added to this class, and called here.
Member Mezzanine::UI::UIManager::HandlePreFocusControllerInput (const Input::MetaCode &Code)
There is currently nothing that the UI system as a whole needs controller inputs. Perhaps when we implement consoles this should be expanded, maybe even sooner then that.
Member Mezzanine::UI::UIManager::HandlePreFocusInput (const Input::MetaCode &Code)
If other devices are added, appropriate functions should be added to this class, and called here.
Member Mezzanine::UI::UIManager::UIManager (const XML::Node &XMLNode)
This class currently doesn't initialize anything from XML, if that changes this constructor needs to be expanded.
Member Mezzanine::UI::Widget::ProtoSerializeImpl (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const
Seriailze subscribed events? Scripts at least.
Member Mezzanine::WorldProxy::_Bind (WorldObject *NewParent)
Notify something? Perhaps use the new event system?
Member Mezzanine::XML::Attribute::AsDouble (double def=0) const
Update Attribute::AsDouble() to check errno and throw exceptions were appropriate, and throw a exception on failure instead of producing a valid return value.
This may silently fail if the value of the attribute exceeds the maximum value that can be stored in and double. Check "errno" and see if it is set to "ERANGE" to test for this condition.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Attribute::AsFloat (float def=0) const
Update Attribute::AsFloat() to check errno and throw exceptions were appropriate, and throw a exception on failure instead of producing a valid return value.
This may silently fail if the value of the attribute exceeds the maximum value that can be stored in and float. Check "errno" and see if it is set to "ERANGE" to test for this condition.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Attribute::AsInt (int def=0) const
Update Attribute::AsInt() to check errno and throw exceptions were appropriate, and throw a exception on failure instead of producing a valid return value.
defIs returned if the attribute is empty.
This may silently fail if the value of the attribute exceeds the maximum value that can be stored in and int. Check "errno" and see if it is set to "ERANGE" to test for this condition.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Attribute::AsUint (unsigned int def=0) const
Update Attribute::AsUint() to check errno and throw exceptions were appropriate, and throw a exception on failure instead of producing a valid return value.
This may silently fail if the value of the attribute exceeds the maximum value that can be stored in and int. Check "errno" and see if it is set to "ERANGE" to test for this condition.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Attribute::SetValue (double rhs)

update this to make the error return code redundant and use an exception instead.

Review for possiblity of buffer overflow.

Not available in scripting languages the Overload which accepts a Mezzanine::String.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Attribute::SetValue (const String &rhs)
update this to make the error return code redundant and use an exception instead.
This overload is used in scripting languages.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Attribute::SetValue (int rhs)

update this to make the error return code redundant and use an exception instead.

Review for possiblity of buffer overflow.

Not available in scripting languages the Overload which accepts a Mezzanine::String is used instead.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Attribute::SetValue (const Char8 *rhs)

update this to make the error return code redundant and use an exception instead.

Review for possiblity of buffer overflow.

Not available in scripting languages the Overload which accepts a Mezzanine::String is used instead, for enhanced robustness in the event corrupt String are created.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Attribute::SetValue (bool rhs)

update this to make the error return code redundant and use an exception instead.

Review for possiblity of buffer overflow.

Not available in scripting languages the Overload which accepts a Mezzanine::String is used instead.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Attribute::SetValue (unsigned int rhs)

update this to make the error return code redundant and use an exception instead.

Review for possiblity of buffer overflow.

Not available in scripting languages the Overload which accepts a Mezzanine::String is used instead.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Attribute::SetValue (T rhs)
Strip ">" automatically and provide a method to reconsitute it.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Node::FirstElementByPath (const Char8 *Path, Char8 delimiter= '/') const
Investigate this more deeply.
PathThe path to search for.
delimiterThe character to use as a pathname separator, this defaults to '/'.
The matching Node, of an empty Node on failure.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Node::InsertChildAfter (NodeType Type, const Node &node)
Not all nodes can be added to other nodes, we need to figure it out and put it here.
A Node representing the freshly added Node, or an empty Node if there was an error.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Node::InsertChildBefore (NodeType Type, const Node &node)
Not all nodes can be added to other nodes, we need to figure it out and put it here.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Node::PrependChild (NodeType Type=NodeElement)
Not all nodes can be added to other nodes, we need to figure it out and put it here.
Member Mezzanine::XML::Node::SetValue (const Char8 *rhs)

update this to make the error return code redundant and use an exception instead.

Review for possiblity of buffer overflow.

Class Mezzanine::XML::XMLStreamWrapper
Ideally this class should not exist, and the XML system should be made to use the resource system instead of doing its own IO.
Member std::numeric_limits< Mezzanine::Quaternion >::has_quiet_NaN
Learn why this exists and document it.
Member std::numeric_limits< Mezzanine::Quaternion >::has_signaling_NaN
Learn why this exists and document it.
Member std::numeric_limits< Mezzanine::Transform >::has_quiet_NaN
Learn why this exists and document it.
Member std::numeric_limits< Mezzanine::Transform >::has_signaling_NaN
Learn why this exists and document it.
Member std::numeric_limits< Mezzanine::Vector2 >::has_quiet_NaN
Learn why this exists and document it.
Member std::numeric_limits< Mezzanine::Vector2 >::has_signaling_NaN
Learn why this exists and document it.
Member std::numeric_limits< Mezzanine::Vector3 >::has_quiet_NaN
Learn why this exists and document it.
Member std::numeric_limits< Mezzanine::Vector3 >::has_signaling_NaN
Learn why this exists and document it.