virtual void | _MarkAllLayersDirty () |
| Tells this QuadRenderable that all of it's layers are dirty. More...
void | _MarkDirty () |
| Marks this renderable as dirty, and informs other renderables if needed. More...
template<typename Callback > |
Boole | _ProcessAllChildren (Callback *CB) |
| Processes all children of this screen by their zorder. More...
void | _RenderScreen () |
| Manually calls the UI system to render this screen. More...
void | _RenderVertices (bool Force=false) |
| Prepares all vertices for rendering to the screen. More...
template<typename Callback > |
Boole | _ReverseProcessAllChildren (Callback *CB) |
| Processes all children of this screen in reverse zorder. More...
void | _SetOrientation (const Mezzanine::OrientationMode &Mode) |
| Forces an orientation mode change for this screen. More...
void | _Transform (ScreenRenderData &RenderData, const Whole &Begin, const Whole &End) |
| Updates the vertex positions so they are in front of the camera in world space. More...
void | AddAllDefaultWidgetFactories () |
| Adds all the default widget factories provided by the engine to the Screen.
void | AddWidgetFactory (WidgetFactory *ToBeAdded) |
| Adds/registers a widget factory with this Screen, allowing it to be constructed through this API. More...
virtual void | CheckViewportSize () |
| Checks to see if the viewport has changed in size. If so it updates all the UI elements on the screen.
virtual Button * | CreateButton (const String &RendName) |
| Creates a Button. More...
virtual Button * | CreateButton (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect) |
| Creates a Button. More...
virtual CheckBox * | CreateCheckBox (const String &RendName) |
| Creates a CheckBox. More...
virtual CheckBox * | CreateCheckBox (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect) |
| Creates a CheckBox. More...
virtual DropDownList * | CreateDropDownList (const String &RendName, const UI::ScrollbarStyle Style) |
| Creates a DropDownList. More...
virtual DropDownList * | CreateDropDownList (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, const UI::ScrollbarStyle Style) |
| Creates a DropDownList. More...
virtual EditBox * | CreateEditBox (const String &RendName, const RenderLayerType EditLayerType, FontData *EditFont) |
| Creates a EditBox. More...
virtual EditBox * | CreateEditBox (const String &RendName, const RenderLayerType EditLayerType, const String &EditFontName) |
| Creates a EditBox. More...
virtual EditBox * | CreateEditBox (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, const RenderLayerType EditLayerType, FontData *EditFont) |
| Creates a EditBox. More...
virtual EditBox * | CreateEditBox (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, const RenderLayerType EditLayerType, const String &EditFontName) |
| Creates a EditBox. More...
virtual GridContainer * | CreateGridContainer (const String &RendName) |
| Creates a widget container for the placement of widgets on a 2D grid. More...
virtual GridContainer * | CreateGridContainer (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect) |
| Creates a widget container for the placement of widgets on a 2D grid. More...
virtual HorizontalContainer * | CreateHorizontalContainer (const String &RendName) |
| Creates a widget container aligned on the X axis. More...
virtual HorizontalContainer * | CreateHorizontalContainer (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect) |
| Creates a widget container aligned on the X axis. More...
virtual HorizontalScrollbar * | CreateHorizontalScrollbar (const String &RendName, const UI::ScrollbarStyle Style) |
| Creates a Scrollbar aligned on the X axis. More...
virtual HorizontalScrollbar * | CreateHorizontalScrollbar (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, const UI::ScrollbarStyle Style) |
| Creates a Scrollbar aligned on the X axis. More...
virtual ListBox * | CreateListBox (const String &RendName, const UI::ScrollbarStyle Style) |
| Creates a ListBox. More...
virtual ListBox * | CreateListBox (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, const UI::ScrollbarStyle Style) |
| Creates a ListBox. More...
virtual MenuEntry * | CreateMenuEntry (const String &RendName) |
| Creates a MenuEntry. More...
virtual MenuEntry * | CreateMenuEntry (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect) |
| Creates a MenuEntry. More...
virtual RadioButton * | CreateRadioButton (const String &RendName) |
| Creates a RadioButton. More...
virtual RadioButton * | CreateRadioButton (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect) |
| Creates a RadioButton. More...
virtual Spinner * | CreateSpinner (const String &RendName, const SpinnerStyle SpinStyle, FontData *EditFont) |
| Creates a Spinner. More...
virtual Spinner * | CreateSpinner (const String &RendName, const SpinnerStyle SpinStyle, const String &EditFontName) |
| Creates a Spinner. More...
virtual Spinner * | CreateSpinner (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, const SpinnerStyle SpinStyle, FontData *EditFont) |
| Creates a Spinner. More...
virtual Spinner * | CreateSpinner (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, const SpinnerStyle SpinStyle, const String &EditFontName) |
| Creates a Spinner. More...
virtual StackButton * | CreateStackButton (const String &RendName) |
| Creates a StackButton. More...
virtual StackButton * | CreateStackButton (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect) |
| Creates a MenuButton. More...
virtual TabSet * | CreateTabSet (const String &RendName) |
| Creates a TabSet. More...
virtual TabSet * | CreateTabSet (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect) |
| Creates a TabSet. More...
virtual VerticalContainer * | CreateVerticalContainer (const String &RendName) |
| Creates a widget container aligned on the Y axis. More...
virtual VerticalContainer * | CreateVerticalContainer (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect) |
| Creates a widget container aligned on the Y axis. More...
virtual VerticalScrollbar * | CreateVerticalScrollbar (const String &RendName, const UI::ScrollbarStyle Style) |
| Creates a Scrollbar aligned on the Y axis. More...
virtual VerticalScrollbar * | CreateVerticalScrollbar (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, const UI::ScrollbarStyle Style) |
| Creates a Scrollbar aligned on the Y axis. More...
virtual Widget * | CreateWidget (const XML::Node &WidgetNode) |
| Creates a widget from an XML::Node. More...
virtual Widget * | CreateWidget (const String &TypeName, const String &RendName, const NameValuePairMap &Params) |
| Creates a widget based on the provided typename. More...
virtual Widget * | CreateWidget (const String &TypeName, const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, const NameValuePairMap &Params) |
| Creates a widget based on the provided typename. More...
virtual Widget * | CreateWidget (const String &RendName) |
| Creates a generic widget. More...
virtual Widget * | CreateWidget (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect) |
| Creates a generic widget. More...
void | DestroyAllWidgetFactories () |
| Destroys all widget factories in this Screen. More...
virtual void | DestroyAllWidgets () |
| Destroys all widgets being stored by this screen.
virtual void | DestroyWidget (Widget *ToBeDestroyed) |
| Destroys a widget. More...
void | DestroyWidgetFactory (WidgetFactory *ToBeDestroyed) |
| Removes and destroys a widget factory in this Screen. More...
void | DestroyWidgetFactory (const String &ImplName) |
| Removes and destroys a widget factory in this Screen. More...
virtual Widget * | FindHoveredWidget (const Vector2 &MousePos) |
| Gets the quad the mouse is over if any. More...
TextureAtlas * | GetAtlas (const String &Atlas) const |
| Gets an atlas that has been loaded. More...
virtual String | GetDerivedSerializableName () const |
| Gets the most derived serializable name of this Renderable. More...
FontData * | GetFont (const String &FontName, const String &Atlas) const |
| Gets the specified FontData from an Atlas. More...
virtual UIManager * | GetManager () const |
| Gets the UIManager this screen belongs to. More...
UI::MarkupParser * | GetMarkupParser (const String &ParserName) const |
| Gets a MarkupParser by it's registered name. More...
virtual const Vector2 & | GetMouseHitPosition () const |
| Gets the mouse position from the last call to "FindHoveredQuad(const Vector2&). More...
virtual MouseHoverStrategy * | GetMouseHoverStrategy () const |
| Gets the MouseHoverStrategy currently being used by this screen. More...
virtual Whole | GetNumWidgets () |
| Gets the number of widgets being used in this screen. More...
virtual String | GetPrimaryAtlas () |
| Gets the currently set primary atlas. More...
virtual RenderableType | GetRenderableType () const |
| Gets the type of renderable this is. More...
Sprite * | GetSprite (const String &SpriteName, const String &Atlas) const |
| Gets a sprite from an Atlas. More...
Real | GetTexelOffsetX () const |
| Gets the X axis Texel Offset for the current rendersystem. More...
Real | GetTexelOffsetY () const |
| Gets the Y axis Texel Offset for the current rendersystem. More...
Vector2 | GetTextureSize (const String &Atlas) const |
| Gets the texture size of the specified Atlas. More...
virtual Graphics::Viewport * | GetViewport () const |
| Gets the Viewport this screen is currently rendering to. More...
virtual const Vector2 & | GetViewportDimensions () const |
| Gets the current viewport dimensions. More...
virtual Boole | GetVisible () const |
| Gets the visibility setting of this renderable. More...
Vector2 | GetWhitePixel (const String &Atlas) const |
| Gets the position of the white pixel from an Atlas. More...
virtual Widget * | GetWidget (const String &Name) |
| Gets a widget in this screen by name. More...
virtual void | Hide () |
| Forces this renderable to hide. More...
bool | IsMarkupParserRegistered (const String &ParserName) const |
| Checks to see if a MarkupParser has already been registsered under a specific name. More...
virtual Boole | IsVisible () const |
| Gets whether or not this renderable is being drawn. More...
virtual void | ProtoDeSerializeProperties (const XML::Node &SelfRoot) |
| Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the properties of this object with it. More...
virtual void | ProtoSerializeProperties (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const |
| Convert the properties of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
void | RemoveWidgetFactory (WidgetFactory *ToBeRemoved) |
| Removes a widget factory from this Screen. More...
void | RemoveWidgetFactory (const String &ImplName) |
| Removes a widget factory from this Screen. More...
virtual void | SetMouseHoverStrategy (MouseHoverStrategy *Strategy) |
| Sets the strategy to use when detect which object the mouse is hovered over. More...
virtual void | SetPrimaryAtlas (const String &Atlas) |
| Sets the Atlas to be assumed when one isn't provided for atlas related tasks. More...
virtual void | SetVisible (Boole CanSee) |
| Sets the visibility of this renderable. More...
virtual void | Show () |
| Forces this renderable to be shown. More...
| QuadRenderable (Screen *Parent) |
| Blank constructor. More...
| QuadRenderable (const String &RendName, Screen *Parent) |
| Class constructor. More...
| QuadRenderable (const String &RendName, const UnifiedRect &RendRect, Screen *Parent) |
| Parent-less constructor. More...
virtual | ~QuadRenderable () |
| Class destructor. More...
virtual void | _AppendRenderData (ScreenRenderData &RenderData) |
| Appends the vertices of this renderable to another vector. More...
virtual void | _AppendRenderDataCascading (ScreenRenderData &RenderData) |
| Appends the vertices of this renderable to another vector, and then does the same for this renderable's children. More...
virtual void | _Clean () |
| Refreshes the render data of this renderable. More...
virtual void | _MarkAllChildrenDirty () |
| Tells this QuadRenderable to mark each of it's children (and their children) as dirty. More...
virtual void | _NotifyParenthood (QuadRenderable *NewParent) |
| Notifies this QuadRenderable that it has been added to another QuadRenderable. More...
virtual void | _SetLayoutStrat (LayoutStrategy *ToSet) |
| Sets a new LayoutStrategy for this quad to use. More...
virtual void | _SetZOrder (const UInt16 &Zorder) |
| Ssts the ZOrder value for this renderable. More...
virtual void | AddChild (Widget *Child) |
| Adds a Widget to this as a child of this quad. More...
virtual void | AddChild (Widget *Child, const UInt16 ZOrder) |
| Adds a Widget to this as a child of this quad. More...
void | AddLayerToExistingGroup (RenderLayer *Layer, const UInt16 LayerZOrder, const UInt16 GroupID) |
| Adds a RenderLayer to the specified group. More...
void | AddLayerToGroup (RenderLayer *Layer, const UInt16 LayerZOrder, const UInt16 GroupID) |
| Adds a RenderLayer to the specified group. More...
void | AddLayerToGroup (RenderLayer *Layer, const GroupOrderEntry &GroupAndZ) |
| Adds a RenderLayer to the specified group. More...
void | AddLayerToGroups (RenderLayer *Layer, const GroupOrderEntryVector &Entrys) |
| Adds a RenderLayer to multiple groups. More...
virtual Boole | CheckOverlap (const QuadRenderable *Quad) const |
| Checks to see if another Quad is overlapping with this one. More...
ChildIterator | ChildrenBegin () |
| Gets an iterator to the first child Widget. More...
ConstChildIterator | ChildrenBegin () const |
| Gets a const iterator to the first child Widget. More...
ChildIterator | ChildrenEnd () |
| Gets an iterator to one passed the last child Widget. More...
ConstChildIterator | ChildrenEnd () const |
| Gets an iterator to one passed the last child Widget. More...
MultiImageLayer * | CreateMultiImageLayer () |
| Creates an MultiImageLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiImageLayer * | CreateMultiImageLayer (const UInt16 NormalZ, const UInt16 HoveredZ) |
| Creates an MultiImageLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiImageLayer * | CreateMultiImageLayer (const GroupOrderEntry &GroupAndZ) |
| Creates an MultiImageLayer for this renderable and adds it to a RenderLayerGroup. More...
MultiLineTextLayer * | CreateMultiLineTextLayer () |
| Creats a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiLineTextLayer * | CreateMultiLineTextLayer (const UInt16 NormalZ, const UInt16 HoveredZ) |
| Creats a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiLineTextLayer * | CreateMultiLineTextLayer (const GroupOrderEntry &GroupAndZ) |
| Creats a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiLineTextLayer * | CreateMultiLineTextLayer (const String &FontName) |
| Creats a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiLineTextLayer * | CreateMultiLineTextLayer (const String &FontName, const UInt16 NormalZ, const UInt16 HoveredZ) |
| Creats a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
MultiLineTextLayer * | CreateMultiLineTextLayer (const String &FontName, const GroupOrderEntry &GroupAndZ) |
| Creats a MultiLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
RenderLayerGroup * | CreateOrRetrieveRenderLayerGroup (const UInt16 GroupID) |
| Gets the named RenderLayerGroup or creates one with the specified ID if it does not exist. More...
RenderLayerGroup * | CreateRenderLayerGroup (const UInt16 GroupID) |
| Creates a new RenderLayerGroup that can have. - Exceptions
This | function will throw an exception if a group already exists with the provided name. |
SingleImageLayer * | CreateSingleImageLayer () |
| Creates a SingleImageLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleImageLayer * | CreateSingleImageLayer (const UInt16 NormalZ, const UInt16 HoveredZ) |
| Creates a SingleImageLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleImageLayer * | CreateSingleImageLayer (const GroupOrderEntry &GroupAndZ) |
| Creates a SingleImageLayer for this renderable and adds it to a RenderLayerGroup. More...
SingleImageLayer * | CreateSingleImageLayer (const String &SpriteName) |
| Creates a SingleImageLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleImageLayer * | CreateSingleImageLayer (const String &SpriteName, const UInt16 NormalZ, const UInt16 HoveredZ) |
| Creates a SingleImageLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleImageLayer * | CreateSingleImageLayer (const String &SpriteName, const GroupOrderEntry &GroupAndZ) |
| Creates a SingleImageLayer for this renderable and adds it to a RenderLayerGroup. More...
SingleLineTextLayer * | CreateSingleLineTextLayer () |
| Creats a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleLineTextLayer * | CreateSingleLineTextLayer (const UInt16 NormalZ, const UInt16 HoveredZ) |
| Creats a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleLineTextLayer * | CreateSingleLineTextLayer (const GroupOrderEntry &GroupAndZ) |
| Creats a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleLineTextLayer * | CreateSingleLineTextLayer (const String &FontName) |
| Creats a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleLineTextLayer * | CreateSingleLineTextLayer (const String &FontName, const UInt16 NormalZ, const UInt16 HoveredZ) |
| Creats a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
SingleLineTextLayer * | CreateSingleLineTextLayer (const String &FontName, const GroupOrderEntry &GroupAndZ) |
| Creats a SingleLineTextLayer for this renderable. More...
virtual void | DestroyAllChildren () |
| Destroys all child Widgets currently inside this QuadRenderable.
void | DestroyAllRenderLayerGroups () |
| Destroy's all RenderLayerGroups being stored/managed by this QuadRenderable.
void | DestroyAllRenderLayers () |
| Destroys all RenderLayers being stored by this renderable.
virtual void | DestroyChild (Widget *ToBeDestroyed) |
| Destroys a child Widget currently inside this QuadRenderable. More...
void | DestroyRenderLayer (RenderLayer *ToBeDestroyed) |
| Destroys a RenderLayer being stored by this renderable. More...
void | DestroyRenderLayerGroup (const UInt16 GroupID) |
| Destroy's a RenderLayerGroup by ID. More...
void | DestroyRenderLayerGroup (RenderLayerGroup *ToBeDestroyed) |
| Destroy's a RenderLayerGroup by pointer. More...
RenderLayerGroup * | GetActiveGroup () const |
| Gets the current RenderLayerGroup used for rendering. More...
virtual Vector2 | GetActualPosition () const |
| Gets the pixel position of this widget. More...
virtual Vector2 | GetActualSize () const |
| Gets the pixel size of this widget. More...
virtual UI::AspectRatioLock | GetAspectRationLock () const |
| Gets how (and if) the aspect ratio of this quad is locked. More...
virtual Widget * | GetChild (const UInt16 Zorder) const |
| Gets a child by it's ZOrder. More...
virtual Widget * | GetChild (const String &RendName) const |
| Gets a child by it's name. More...
Widget * | GetClosestChild (Widget *Child) |
| Gets a pointer to the child of this QuadRenderable that is storing a child, or another quad that is. More...
virtual UInt16 | GetHighestChildZOrder () const |
| Gets the highest ZOrder among the children of this QuadRenderable. More...
virtual Whole | GetHorizontalPositioningRules () const |
| Gets the current behavior this quad will follow when it is positioned automatically on the X axis. More...
virtual Whole | GetHorizontalSizingRules () const |
| Gets the current behavior this quad will follow for the X axis when it is resized. More...
virtual Real | GetIdealHeightForText () const |
| Gets the height needed for this quadrenderable to be able to completely display text in it's child text layers. More...
virtual UInt16 | GetLowestChildZOrder () const |
| Gets the lowest ZOrder among the children of this QuadRenderable. More...
virtual Boole | GetManualTransformUpdates () const |
| Gets whether or not this quad will be automatically updated when parent transforms are updated. More...
virtual UnifiedVec2 | GetMaxSize () const |
| Gets the currently set maximum size for this quad. More...
virtual UnifiedVec2 | GetMinSize () const |
| Gets the currently set minimum size for this quad. More...
virtual Boole | GetMousePassthrough () const |
| Gets whether or not Mouse Passthrough is enabled. More...
QuadRenderable * | GetNextSibling (Boole Wrap=true) |
| Gets the QuadRenderable after this one among the QuadRenderables owned by it's parent. More...
virtual Whole | GetNumChildren () const |
| Gets the number of children in this QuadRenderable. More...
UInt32 | GetNumRenderLayerGroups () const |
| Gets the number of RenderLayerGroup's created for this renderable. More...
UInt32 | GetNumRenderLayers () const |
| Gets the number of RenderLayers created for this renderable. More...
UInt32 | GetNumVisibleRenderLayers () const |
| Gets the number of RenderLayers that are visible in this renderable. More...
QuadRenderable * | GetParent () const |
| Gets the parent of this quad. More...
virtual const PositioningInfo & | GetPositioningPolicy () const |
| Gets the current behavior this QuadRenderable will use when it is positioned. More...
QuadRenderable * | GetPrevSibling (Boole Wrap=true) |
| Gets the QuadRenderable before this one among the QuadRenderables owned by it's parent. More...
virtual Rect | GetRect () const |
| Gets this QuadRenderables' Rect. More...
RenderLayer * | GetRenderLayer (const UInt32 &Index) const |
| Gets a RenderLayer belonging to this QuadRenderable by index. More...
RenderLayer * | GetRenderLayer (const Whole Which, const UI::RenderLayerType Type) |
| Gets a RenderLayer belonging to this QuadRenderable by it's type. More...
RenderLayerGroup * | GetRenderLayerGroup (const UInt16 GroupID) const |
| Gets a RenderLayerGroup by ID. More...
virtual const SizingInfo & | GetSizingPolicy () const |
| Gets the current behavior this QuadRenderable will use when it is sized. More...
QuadRenderable * | GetTopMostQuad () |
| Gets the QuadRenderable that is both an ancestor of this quad, and a direct child of the screen. More...
virtual UnifiedVec2 | GetUnifiedPosition () const |
| Gets the position of this QuadRenderable as a Unified Vector2. More...
virtual UnifiedRect | GetUnifiedRect () const |
| Gets the Unified positiona nd size of this QuadRenderable as a unified rect. More...
virtual UnifiedVec2 | GetUnifiedSize () const |
| Gets the size of this QuadRenderable as a Unified Vector2. More...
virtual Whole | GetVerticalPositioningRules () const |
| Gets the current behavior this quad will follow when it is positioned automatically on the Y axis. More...
virtual Whole | GetVerticalSizingRules () const |
| Gets the current behavior this quad will follow for the Y axis when it is resized. More...
virtual const UInt16 & | GetZOrder () const |
| Gets the currently set ZOrder of this QuadRenderable with it's parent. More...
virtual Boole | IsChildOfScreen () const |
| Gets whether or not this QuadRenderable is a direct child of it's screen. More...
virtual Boole | IsInside (const Vector2 &Point) const |
| Checks to see if a point in 2D space is inside this quad. More...
Boole | IsVertexCachingEnabled () const |
| Gets whether or not vertex caching is enabled for this Quad. More...
virtual void | PopulateTextLinesInLayers (const Real MaxWidth) |
| Populates all text lines in all text layers owned by this quad. More...
virtual void | ProtoDeSerialize (const XML::Node &SelfRoot) |
| Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite this object with it. More...
virtual void | ProtoDeSerializeChildQuads (const XML::Node &SelfRoot) |
| Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the ChildQuads of this object with it. More...
virtual void | ProtoDeSerializeRenderLayerGroups (const XML::Node &SelfRoot) |
| Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the RenderLayerGroups of this object with it. More...
virtual void | ProtoDeSerializeRenderLayers (const XML::Node &SelfRoot) |
| Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the RenderLayers of this object with it. More...
virtual void | ProtoSerialize (XML::Node &ParentNode) const |
| Convert this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
virtual void | ProtoSerializeChildQuads (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const |
| Convert the child quads of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
virtual void | ProtoSerializeRenderLayerGroups (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const |
| Convert the RenderLayerGroups of this class to an XML::Node ready for seriailization. More...
virtual void | ProtoSerializeRenderLayers (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const |
| Convert the RenderLayers of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
ReverseChildIterator | RChildrenBegin () |
| Gets an iterator to the last Widget. More...
ConstReverseChildIterator | RChildrenBegin () const |
| Gets a const iterator to the last Widget. More...
ReverseChildIterator | RChildrenEnd () |
| Gets an iterator to one before the first child Widget. More...
ConstReverseChildIterator | RChildrenEnd () const |
| Gets a const iterator to one before the first child Widget. More...
virtual void | RemoveAllChildren () |
| Removes all child Widgets from this QuadRenderable. More...
virtual void | RemoveChild (Widget *ToBeRemoved) |
| Removes a child Widget from this quadrenderable. More...
void | RemoveLayerFromAllGroups (RenderLayer *Layer) |
| Removes a single RenderLayer from all RenderLayerGroups owned by this QuadRenderable. More...
void | RemoveLayerFromGroup (RenderLayer *Layer, const UInt16 GroupID) |
| Removes a single RenderLayer from a specified RenderLayerGroup. More...
RenderLayerIterator | RenderLayerBegin () |
| Gets an iterator to the first RenderLayer. More...
ConstRenderLayerIterator | RenderLayerBegin () const |
| Gets a const iterator to the first RenderLayer. More...
RenderLayerIterator | RenderLayerEnd () |
| Gets an iterator to one passed the last RenderLayer. More...
ConstRenderLayerIterator | RenderLayerEnd () const |
| Gets an iterator to one passed the last RenderLayer. More...
RenderLayerGroupIterator | RenderLayerGroupBegin () |
| Gets an iterator to the first RenderLayerGroup. More...
ConstRenderLayerGroupIterator | RenderLayerGroupBegin () const |
| Gets a const iterator to the first RenderLayerGroup. More...
RenderLayerGroupIterator | RenderLayerGroupEnd () |
| Gets an iterator to one passed the last RenderLayerGroup. More...
ConstRenderLayerGroupIterator | RenderLayerGroupEnd () const |
| Gets an iterator to one passed the last RenderLayerGroup. More...
Boole | RenderLayerGroupExists (const UInt16 GroupID) const |
| Checks to see if a RenderLayerGroup exists. More...
void | SetActiveGroup (const UInt16 GroupID) |
| Sets the RenderLayerGroup that will be used to render this renderable. More...
void | SetActiveGroup (RenderLayerGroup *Group) |
| Sets the RenderLayerGroup that will be used to render this renderable. More...
virtual void | SetAspectRatioLock (const UI::AspectRatioLock Lock) |
| Sets how (and if) the aspect ratio of this quad is locked. More...
virtual void | SetHorizontalPositioningRules (const Whole Rules) |
| Sets the behavior this quad will have when it is positioned automatically on the X axis. More...
virtual void | SetHorizontalSizingRules (const Whole Rules) |
| Sets the behavior this quad will have on the X axis when it is resized. More...
void | SetLocalVertexCaching (Boole Enable) |
| Enables or disables caching of vertex's belonging to this and all child renderables. More...
virtual void | SetManualTransformUpdates (Boole Enable) |
| Sets whether or not this quad has specific behaviors for it's transform updates and they should not be done automatically. More...
virtual void | SetMaxSize (const UnifiedVec2 &Max) |
| Sets the maximum size this quad is allowed to have. More...
virtual void | SetMinSize (const UnifiedVec2 &Min) |
| Sets the minimum size this quad is allowed to have. More...
virtual void | SetMousePassthrough (Boole Enable) |
| Sets whether or not this quad should be skipped when determining if the mouse is hovered over this quad. More...
virtual void | SetPositioningPolicy (const PositioningInfo &Policy) |
| Sets the behavior to be used when this QuadRenderable is positioned. More...
virtual void | SetSizingPolicy (const SizingInfo &Policy) |
| Sets the behavior to be used when this QuadRenderable is sized. More...
virtual void | SetUnifiedPosition (const UnifiedVec2 &Position) |
| Sets the position this QuadRenderable will have within it's parent. More...
virtual void | SetUnifiedSize (const UnifiedVec2 &Size) |
| Sets the size this QuadRenderable will have within it's parent. More...
virtual void | SetVerticalPositioningRules (const Whole Rules) |
| Sets the behavior this quad will have when it is positioned automatically on the Y axis. More...
virtual void | SetVerticalSizingRules (const Whole Rules) |
| Sets the behavior this quad will have on the Y axis when it is resized. More...
virtual void | UpdateChildDimensions () |
| Updates the dimensions of the children in this QuadRenderable. More...
virtual void | UpdateChildOrder () |
| Updates the order of children in this QuadRenderable based on the ZOrder set on each child.
virtual void | UpdateDimensions () |
| Updates the dimensions of this QuadRenderable based on the transform of it's parent. More...
virtual void | UpdateDimensions (const Rect &OldSelfRect, const Rect &NewSelfRect) |
| Updates the dimensions of this QuadRenderable based on the transform of it's parent. More...
Boole | _IsDirty () const |
| Gets whether or not this renderable is dirty. More...
const String & | GetName () const |
| Gets the name of this renderable. More...
Screen * | GetScreen () const |
| Gets the parent screen of this renderable. More...
Boole | IsScreen () const |
| Gets whether or not this renderable is a Screen. More...
Boole | IsWidget () const |
| Gets whether or not this renderable is a Widget. More...