41 #ifndef _DAGFrameScheduler_h
42 #define _DAGFrameScheduler_h
83 %module MezzanineThreading
86 %module MezzanineThreadingSafe
88 #define SWIG_MODULE_SET
91 #if !defined(SWIG) || defined(SWIG_THREADING) // Do not read when in swig and not in the threading module
Declares a Mutex, Mutex tools, and at least one MutexLike object.
Any enumerations the threading library requires are all declared here.
Declares a Mutex, Mutex tools, and at least one MutexLike object.
All the definitions for datatypes as well as some basic conversion functions are defined here...
The declaration of the AsynchronousFileLoadWorkUnit a workunit that loads a listing of files asynchro...
This file defines the template double buffered resources that can be attached to a thread...
Contains an interface for a kind of WorkUnit that loads or does other work even when the frame schedu...
This file defines a minimalistic cross-platform thread that the scheduler uses to schedule tasks...
This is where game specific threading algorithms and a minimalistic subset of the std threading libra...
Declares a tool for automatically unlocking a mutex in an exception safe way.
This file has the Declarations for the main FrameScheduler class.
This file defines the metadata used to sort workunits.
This file declares and defines a mutex that is a partial implementation.
This defines a number of workunits that are required for doing some tasks that the Framescheduler req...
Contains an interface for a kind of WorkUnit that consumes time on multiple thread.
This stores the implementation and the declaration of the RollingAverage, BufferedRollingAverage, WeightedRollingAverage and the DefaultRollingAverage.
This file defines a minimalistic cross-platform thread that the scheduler uses to schedule tasks...
Simple thread safe ways to check and change a specified variable atomically.
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.
Used to give commands specifically to the SWIG preprocessor.
The declaration of the Mezzanine::Threading::Barrier Barrier synchronization primitive.
This file has the definition of the workunit.