| LightProxy (const UInt32 ID, SceneManager *Creator) |
| Blank constructor. More...
| LightProxy (const UInt32 ID, const Graphics::LightType Type, SceneManager *Creator) |
| Type constructor. More...
| LightProxy (const XML::Node &SelfRoot, SceneManager *Creator) |
| XML constructor. More...
virtual | ~LightProxy () |
| Class destructor.
virtual Ogre::MovableObject * | _GetBaseGraphicsObject () const |
| Accessor for the internal graphics object. More...
virtual Ogre::Light * | _GetGraphicsObject () const |
| Accessor for the internal light. More...
virtual Real | GetAttenuationConstant () const |
| Gets the constant factor of the attenuation. More...
virtual Real | GetAttenuationLinear () const |
| Gets the linear factor of the attentuation. More...
virtual Real | GetAttenuationQuadratic () const |
| Gets the quadric factor of the attenuation. More...
virtual Real | GetAttenuationRange () const |
| Gets the absolute range of attenuation in world units. More...
virtual String | GetDerivedSerializableName () const |
| Gets the most derived serializable name of this WorldProxy. More...
virtual ColourValue | GetDiffuseColour () const |
| Gets the current colour of Diffuse light being emitted by this proxy. More...
virtual Vector3 | GetDirection () const |
| Gets the direction the light from this source is being emitted. More...
virtual Real | GetPowerScale () const |
| Gets the power scale of this light, which indicates it's relative power. More...
virtual Mezzanine::ProxyType | GetProxyType () const |
| Accessor for the type of proxy. More...
virtual ColourValue | GetSpecularColour () const |
| Gets the current colour of Specular light being emitted by this proxy. More...
virtual Real | GetSpotlightFalloff () const |
| Gets the rate of falloff of the cone of light emitted by this spotlight. More...
virtual Real | GetSpotlightInnerAngle () const |
| Gets the Inner angle of the cone of light emitted by this spotlight. More...
virtual Real | GetSpotlightNearClipDistance () const |
| Gets the near clip plane distance to be used by spotlights that use light clipping. More...
virtual Real | GetSpotlightOuterAngle () const |
| Gets the Outer angle of the cone of light emitted by this spotlight. More...
virtual Graphics::LightType | GetType () const |
| Gets the type of light that this light is. More...
virtual void | ProtoDeSerializeProperties (const XML::Node &SelfRoot) |
| Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the properties of this object with it. More...
virtual void | ProtoSerializeProperties (XML::Node &SelfRoot) const |
| Convert the properties of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
virtual void | SetAttenuation (const Real Range, const Real Constant, const Real Linear, const Real Quadratic) |
| Sets the factors for the attenuation formula applied to this light. More...
virtual void | SetDiffuseColour (const ColourValue &Diffuse) |
| Sets the colour for the Diffuse light from this source. More...
virtual void | SetDirection (const Vector3 &Dir) |
| Sets the direction the light will be emitted from this source. More...
virtual void | SetPowerScale (const Real Scale) |
| Sets the power scale of this light, which indicates it's relative power. More...
virtual void | SetSpecularColour (const ColourValue &Specular) |
| Sets the colour for the Specular light from this source. More...
virtual void | SetSpotlightFalloff (const Real Falloff) |
| Sets the rate of falloff of the cone of light emitted by a spotlight. More...
virtual void | SetSpotlightInnerAngle (const Real Angle) |
| Sets the Inner angle of the cone of light emitted by a spotlight. More...
virtual void | SetSpotlightNearClipDistance (const Real NearClip) |
| Sets the near clip plane distance to be used by spotlights that use light clipping. More...
virtual void | SetSpotlightOuterAngle (const Real Angle) |
| Sets the Outer angle of the cone of light emitted by a spotlight. More...
virtual void | SetSpotlightRange (const Real InnerAngle, const Real OuterAngle, const Real Falloff=1.0) |
| Defines the cone of light emitted by a spotlight. More...
virtual void | SetType (const Graphics::LightType Type) |
| Sets the type of light this light is. More...
| RenderableProxy (SceneManager *Creator) |
| XML-assist Constructor. More...
| RenderableProxy (const UInt32 ID, SceneManager *Creator) |
| Normal Constructor. More...
virtual | ~RenderableProxy () |
| Class destructor.
virtual Ogre::SceneNode * | _GetGraphicsNode () const |
| Accessor for the internal node in the scenegraph for this proxy. More...
virtual void | AddToWorld () |
| Performs all the necessary task to ensure this object is connected to it's respective world and ready for use. More...
virtual AxisAlignedBox | GetAABB () const |
| Gets this proxies AABB. More...
virtual Boole | GetCastShadows () const |
| Gets whether or not this proxy can cast a shadow. More...
virtual WorldManager * | GetCreator () const |
| Gets a pointer to this proxies creator. More...
virtual UInt32 | GetLightMask () const |
| Gets which types of lights will affect this proxy. More...
virtual Vector3 | GetLocation () const |
| Gets this objects current location. More...
virtual Quaternion | GetOrientation () const |
| Gets this objects current orientation. More...
virtual UInt32 | GetQueryMask () const |
| Gets the bitmask that will be used to determine if this object should be counted in scene queries. More...
virtual Boole | GetReceiveShadows () const |
| Gets whether or not this proxy can be rendered with a shadow casted on it. More...
virtual Real | GetRenderDistance () const |
| Gets the distance at which the proxy will stop rendering. More...
virtual Vector3 | GetScale () const |
| Gets the scaling currently being applied to this object. More...
virtual UInt32 | GetVisibilityMask () const |
| Gets the bitmask that will be used to determine if this object should be visible when rendering. More...
virtual Boole | GetVisible () const |
| Gets whether or not this proxy is visible. More...
virtual Boole | IsInWorld () const |
| Gets whether or not this object is inside of it's world. More...
virtual void | Pitch (const Real Angle) |
| Rotate the object around the X axis. More...
virtual void | RemoveFromWorld () |
| Unhooks this proxy from it's respective world. More...
virtual void | Roll (const Real Angle) |
| Rotate the object around the Z axis. More...
virtual void | Rotate (const Vector3 &Axis, const Real Angle) |
| Rotates the object from it's existing rotation. More...
virtual void | Rotate (const Quaternion &Rotation) |
| Rotates the object from it's existing rotation. More...
virtual void | Scale (const Vector3 &Scale) |
| Scales the object from it's current size. More...
virtual void | Scale (const Real X, const Real Y, const Real Z) |
| Scales the object from it's current size. More...
virtual void | SetCastShadows (const Boole CastShadows) |
| Sets whether or not this proxy can cast a shadow. More...
virtual void | SetLightMask (const UInt32 Mask) |
| Sets which types of lights will affect this proxy. More...
virtual void | SetLocation (const Vector3 &Loc) |
| Sets the location of this object in parent space. More...
virtual void | SetLocation (const Real X, const Real Y, const Real Z) |
| Sets the location of this object in parent space via Reals. More...
virtual void | SetOrientation (const Quaternion &Ori) |
| Sets the orientation of this object in parent space. More...
virtual void | SetOrientation (const Real X, const Real Y, const Real Z, const Real W) |
| Sets the orientation of this object in parent space via Reals. More...
virtual void | SetQueryMask (const UInt32 Mask) |
| Sets the bitmesk that will be used to determine if this object should be counted in scene queries. More...
virtual void | SetRenderDistance (const Real Distance) |
| Sets the distance at which the proxy will stop rendering. More...
virtual void | SetScale (const Vector3 &Sc) |
| Sets the scaling to be applied to this object. More...
virtual void | SetScale (const Real X, const Real Y, const Real Z) |
| Sets the scaling to be applied to this object via Reals. More...
virtual void | SetVisibilityMask (const UInt32 Mask) |
| Sets the bitmask that will be used to determine if this object should be visible when rendering. More...
virtual void | SetVisible (const Boole Visible) |
| Sets whether or not this proxy is visible. More...
virtual void | Translate (const Vector3 &Trans) |
| Moves this object from it's current location. More...
virtual void | Translate (const Real X, const Real Y, const Real Z) |
| Moves this object from it's current location. More...
virtual void | Yaw (const Real Angle) |
| Rotate the object around the Y axis. More...
| WorldProxy () |
| Blank constructor.
| WorldProxy (const UInt32 ID) |
| Normal/ID constructor. More...
virtual | ~WorldProxy () |
| Class destructor.
void | _Bind (WorldObject *NewParent) |
| Binds this proxy to a WorldObject. More...
virtual WorldObject * | GetParentObject () const |
| Gets a pointer to the parent object controlling this proxy. More...
virtual UInt32 | GetProxyID () const |
| Gets the unique ID of this proxy. More...
virtual void | ProtoDeSerialize (const XML::Node &SelfRoot) |
| Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite this object with it. More...
virtual void | ProtoSerialize (XML::Node &ParentNode) const |
| Convert this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization. More...
virtual | ~TransformableObject () |
| Class Destructor.
virtual Vector3 | ConvertGlobalToLocal (const Vector3 &Location) const |
| Converts a point in global space to the same point in local space. More...
virtual Quaternion | ConvertGlobalToLocal (const Quaternion &Orientation) const |
| Converts a rotation in global space to the same rotation in local space. More...
virtual Vector3 | ConvertLocalToGlobal (const Vector3 &Location) const |
| Converts a point in local space to the same point in global space. More...
virtual Quaternion | ConvertLocalToGlobal (const Quaternion &Orientation) const |
| Converts a rotation in local space to the same rotation in global space. More...
This is the proxy class for placing and manipulating lighting in the scene.
Definition at line 63 of file lightproxy.h.