Spinning Topp Logo BlackTopp Studios
1 // © Copyright 2010 - 2016 BlackTopp Studios Inc.
2 /* This file is part of The Mezzanine Engine.
4  The Mezzanine Engine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7  (at your option) any later version.
9  The Mezzanine Engine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  GNU General Public License for more details.
14  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  along with The Mezzanine Engine. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 */
17 /* The original authors have included a copy of the license specified above in the
18  'Docs' folder. See 'gpl.txt'
19 */
20 /* We welcome the use of the Mezzanine engine to anyone, including companies who wish to
21  Build professional software and charge for their product.
23  However there are some practical restrictions, so if your project involves
24  any of the following you should contact us and we will try to work something
25  out:
26  - DRM or Copy Protection of any kind(except Copyrights)
27  - Software Patents You Do Not Wish to Freely License
28  - Any Kind of Linking to Non-GPL licensed Works
29  - Are Currently In Violation of Another Copyright Holder's GPL License
30  - If You want to change our code and not add a few hundred MB of stuff to
31  your distribution
33  These and other limitations could cause serious legal problems if you ignore
34  them, so it is best to simply contact us or the Free Software Foundation, if
35  you have any questions.
37  Joseph Toppi - toppij@gmail.com
38  John Blackwood - makoenergy02@gmail.com
39 */
40 #ifndef _uiverticalscrollbar_cpp
41 #define _uiverticalscrollbar_cpp
43 #include "UI/verticalscrollbar.h"
44 #include "UI/button.h"
45 #include "UI/screen.h"
46 #include "UI/pagedcontainer.h"
47 #include "UI/uimanager.h"
49 #include "UI/verticallayoutstrategy.h"
51 #include "Input/metacode.h"
52 #include "stringtool.h"
53 #include "MathTools/mathtools.h"
55 #include <algorithm>
57 namespace Mezzanine
58 {
59  namespace UI
60  {
61  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
62  // VerticalScrollbar Methods
63  ///////////////////////////////////////
65  const String VerticalScrollbar::TypeName = "VerticalScrollbar";
68  Scrollbar(Parent)
69  { }
71  VerticalScrollbar::VerticalScrollbar(const String& RendName, const UI::ScrollbarStyle& Style, Screen* Parent) :
72  Scrollbar(RendName,Parent)
73  { this->ConstructVerticalScrollbar(Style); }
75  VerticalScrollbar::VerticalScrollbar(const String& RendName, const UnifiedRect& RendRect, const UI::ScrollbarStyle& Style, Screen* Parent) :
76  Scrollbar(RendName,RendRect,Parent)
77  { this->ConstructVerticalScrollbar(Style); }
80  Scrollbar(Parent)
81  { this->ProtoDeSerialize(XMLNode); }
84  {
85  if( this->Container != NULL ) {
86  this->Container->UnbindProvider(this);
87  }
89  this->RemoveChild( this->Scroller );
90  this->ParentScreen->DestroyWidget( this->Scroller );
91  this->RemoveChild( this->ScrollBack );
92  this->ParentScreen->DestroyWidget( this->ScrollBack );
93  this->RemoveChild( this->UpLeftButton );
94  this->ParentScreen->DestroyWidget( this->UpLeftButton );
95  this->RemoveChild( this->DownRightButton );
97  }
100  {
101  // Create the rects we'll use
102  UnifiedVec2 ChildPosition(0,0,0,0);
103  UnifiedVec2 ChildSize(1,1,0,0);
104  UnifiedRect ChildRect(ChildPosition,ChildSize);
105  if( UI::SB_NoButtons == ScrollStyle )
106  {
107  // Create our objects
108  this->ScrollBack = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".ScrollBack",ChildRect);
111  this->AddChild(this->ScrollBack,0);
113  this->Scroller = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".Scroller",ChildRect);
114  this->Scroller->SetManualTransformUpdates(true);
115  this->AddChild(this->Scroller,1);
116  }else{
117  //Get the position for all items involved and configure their offsets
118  if(UI::SB_Separate == ScrollStyle)
119  {
120  // Create our objects
121  this->UpLeftButton = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".UpButton",ChildRect);
125  this->AddChild(this->UpLeftButton,0);
127  this->ScrollBack = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".ScrollBack",ChildRect);
130  this->AddChild(this->ScrollBack,1);
132  this->DownRightButton = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".DownButton",ChildRect);
136  this->AddChild(this->DownRightButton,2);
138  this->Scroller = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".Scroller",ChildRect);
139  this->Scroller->SetManualTransformUpdates(true);
140  this->AddChild(this->Scroller,3);
141  }
142  else if(UI::SB_TogetherDownRight == ScrollStyle)
143  {
144  // Create our objects
145  this->ScrollBack = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".ScrollBack",ChildRect);
148  this->AddChild(this->ScrollBack,0);
150  this->UpLeftButton = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".UpButton",UnifiedRect(UnifiedVec2(-1,-1,0,0),ChildSize));
154  this->AddChild(this->UpLeftButton,1);
156  this->DownRightButton = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".DownButton",ChildRect);
160  this->AddChild(this->DownRightButton,2);
162  this->Scroller = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".Scroller",ChildRect);
163  this->Scroller->SetManualTransformUpdates(true);
164  this->AddChild(this->Scroller,3);
165  }
166  else if(UI::SB_TogetherUpLeft == ScrollStyle)
167  {
168  // Create our objects
169  this->UpLeftButton = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".UpButton",ChildRect);
173  this->AddChild(this->UpLeftButton,0);
175  this->DownRightButton = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".DownButton",UnifiedRect(UnifiedVec2(1,1,0,0),ChildSize));
179  this->AddChild(this->DownRightButton,1);
181  this->ScrollBack = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".ScrollBack",ChildRect);
184  this->AddChild(this->ScrollBack,2);
186  this->Scroller = ParentScreen->CreateButton(this->Name+".Scroller",ChildRect);
187  this->Scroller->SetManualTransformUpdates(true);
188  this->AddChild(this->Scroller,3);
189  }
190  }
192  Rect TempDims;
193  if( this->ActDims != TempDims ) {
194  TempDims = this->ActDims;
195  this->UpdateDimensions(TempDims,TempDims);
196  }
198  this->SubscribeToChildEvents();
199  }
202  {
203  return this->ScrollBack->GetActualPosition().Y + this->ScrollBack->GetActualSize().Y;
204  }
207  {
208  return this->ScrollBack->GetActualPosition().Y;
209  }
211  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
212  // Utility Methods
215  {
217  }
220  {
221  if(Value > 1 || Value < 0)
222  return;
224  const Rect ScrollBackRect = this->ScrollBack->GetRect();
225  const Rect OldScrollerRect = this->Scroller->GetRect();
226  Rect NewScrollerRect;
228  NewScrollerRect.Size.X = OldScrollerRect.Size.X;
229  NewScrollerRect.Size.Y = OldScrollerRect.Size.Y;
230  NewScrollerRect.Position.X = ScrollBackRect.Position.X;
231  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = ScrollBackRect.Position.Y + ( ( this->GetScrollRange() - NewScrollerRect.Size.Y ) * Value );
233  this->Scroller->UpdateDimensions(OldScrollerRect,NewScrollerRect);
234  }
237  {
238  Real RelPos = this->Scroller->GetActualPosition().Y - this->GetLowerScrollLimit();
239  Real RelLimit = this->GetScrollRange() - this->Scroller->GetActualSize().Y;
240  return ( RelLimit > 0 ? RelPos / RelLimit : 0 );
241  }
244  {
245  if(Size > 1 || Size < 0)
246  return;
248  this->ScrollerSize = Size;
249  const Rect ScrollBackRect = this->ScrollBack->GetRect();
250  const Rect OldScrollerRect = this->Scroller->GetRect();
251  Rect NewScrollerRect;
253  Real ScrollValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
254  NewScrollerRect.Size.X = ScrollBackRect.Size.X;
255  NewScrollerRect.Size.Y = ScrollBackRect.Size.Y * Size;
256  NewScrollerRect.Position.X = ScrollBackRect.Position.X;
257  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = ScrollBackRect.Position.Y + ( ( this->GetScrollRange() - NewScrollerRect.Size.Y ) * ScrollValue );
259  this->Scroller->UpdateDimensions(OldScrollerRect,NewScrollerRect);
260  }
263  {
264  //const Real ScrollBackY = this->ScrollBack->GetActualSize().Y;
265  //return ( ScrollBackY > 0 ? this->Scroller->GetActualSize().Y / ScrollBackY : 0 );
266  return ScrollerSize;
267  }
269  void VerticalScrollbar::UpdateDimensions(const Rect& OldSelfRect, const Rect& NewSelfRect)
270  {
271  // Update the personal data first
272  this->ActDims = NewSelfRect;
274  // Get the data regarding the scroller we'll need after everything else is updated
275  const Real ScrollValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
276  const Real ScrollSize = this->GetScrollerSize();
277  const Rect OldScrollerRect = this->Scroller->GetRect();
279  // Update the children
280  this->LayoutStrat->Layout(OldSelfRect,NewSelfRect,this->ChildWidgets);
282  // Next prepare the new rect for the scroller
283  const Rect ScrollBackRect = this->ScrollBack->GetRect();
284  Rect NewScrollerRect;
285  NewScrollerRect.Size.X = ScrollBackRect.Size.X;
286  NewScrollerRect.Size.Y = ScrollBackRect.Size.Y * ScrollSize;
287  NewScrollerRect.Position.X = ScrollBackRect.Position.X;
288  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = ScrollBackRect.Position.Y + ( ( this->GetScrollRange() - NewScrollerRect.Size.Y ) * ScrollValue );
290  // Finally update the scroller
291  this->Scroller->UpdateDimensions(OldScrollerRect,NewScrollerRect);
293  // We done got icky
294  this->_MarkAllLayersDirty();
295  }
297  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
298  // Visibility and Priority Methods
301  {
302  if( this->AutoHideScroll && CanSee ) {
303  if( this->GetMaxYPages() > 1.0 ) {
304  this->Widget::SetVisible(CanSee);
305  }
306  }else{
307  this->Widget::SetVisible(CanSee);
308  }
309  }
312  {
313  if( this->AutoHideScroll ) {
314  if( this->GetMaxYPages() > 1.0 ) {
315  this->Widget::Show();
316  }
317  }else{
318  this->Widget::Show();
319  }
320  }
323  {
324  this->Widget::Hide();
325  }
327  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
328  // PageProvider Methods
331  { return 1; }
334  {
335  if( this->Container != NULL ) {
336  const Real ContainerYSize = this->Container->GetActualSize().Y;
337  if( ContainerYSize > 0 ) {
338  Real Ret = MathTools::Ceil( this->Container->GetWorkAreaSize().Y / ContainerYSize );
339  return ( Ret > 1 ? Ret : 1 );
340  }
341  }
342  return 1;
343  }
346  { return 1; }
349  { return ( (this->GetMaxYPages() - 1) * this->GetScrollerValue() ) + 1; }
351  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
352  // Serialization
355  {
357  }
360  {
363  // Assign the ScrollBack
364  this->ScrollBack = static_cast<Button*>( this->GetChild(this->Name+".ScrollBack") );
365  if( this->ScrollBack == NULL ) {
366  MEZZ_EXCEPTION(ExceptionBase::INVALID_STATE_EXCEPTION,"ScrollBack button not found after VerticalScrollbar deserialization.");
367  }
369  // Assign the Scroller
370  this->Scroller = static_cast<Button*>( this->GetChild(this->Name+".Scroller") );
371  if( this->Scroller == NULL ) {
372  MEZZ_EXCEPTION(ExceptionBase::INVALID_STATE_EXCEPTION,"Scroller button not found after VerticalScrollbar deserialization.");
373  }
375  if( this->GetNumChildren() > 2 )
376  {
377  // Assign the LeftButton
378  this->UpLeftButton = static_cast<Button*>( this->GetChild(this->Name+".UpButton") );
379  if( this->UpLeftButton == NULL ) {
380  MEZZ_EXCEPTION(ExceptionBase::INVALID_STATE_EXCEPTION,"UpButton button not found after VerticalScrollbar deserialization.");
381  }
383  // Assign the RightButton
384  this->DownRightButton = static_cast<Button*>( this->GetChild(this->Name+".DownButton") );
385  if( this->DownRightButton == NULL ) {
386  MEZZ_EXCEPTION(ExceptionBase::INVALID_STATE_EXCEPTION,"DownButton button not found after VerticalScrollbar deserialization.");
387  }
388  }
390  this->SubscribeToChildEvents();
391  }
394  { return VerticalScrollbar::TypeName; }
396  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
397  // Internal Methods
400  {
401  if( this->Container != NULL ) {
402  // Update the scroller size
403  Real YView = this->Container->GetActualSize().Y;
404  Real YWork = this->Container->GetWorkAreaSize().Y;
405  if( YWork > 0 ) {
406  this->SetScrollerSize( YView / YWork );
407  }else{
408  this->SetScrollerSize( 1.0 );
409  }
411  // AutoHide check
412  /*if( this->AutoHideScroll ) {
413  if( this->GetMaxYPages() <= 1.0 ) {
414  this->Hide();
415  }else{
416  this->Show();
417  }
418  }// */
419  }
420  }
423  {
424  if( this->ChildLock == this->Scroller && MouseDelta.Y != 0 )
425  {
426  const Real OldScrollerValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
427  const Rect OldScrollerRect = this->Scroller->GetRect();
428  Rect NewScrollerRect;
429  NewScrollerRect.Size = OldScrollerRect.Size;
431  NewScrollerRect.Position.X = OldScrollerRect.Position.X;
432  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = OldScrollerRect.Position.Y + MouseDelta.Y;
434  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = std::min(NewScrollerRect.Position.Y,this->GetUpperScrollLimit() - OldScrollerRect.Size.Y);
435  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = std::max(NewScrollerRect.Position.Y,this->GetLowerScrollLimit());
437  this->Scroller->UpdateDimensions(OldScrollerRect,NewScrollerRect);
439  const Real NewScrollerValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
440  if( OldScrollerValue != NewScrollerValue ) {
441  this->_OnScrollValueChanged(OldScrollerValue,NewScrollerValue);
442  }
444  return true;
445  }
446  return false;
447  }
450  {
451  if( Direction == Input::DIRECTIONALMOTION_UPLEFT ) {
452  const Real OldScrollerValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
453  const Rect OldScrollerRect = this->Scroller->GetRect();
454  Rect NewScrollerRect;
455  NewScrollerRect.Size = OldScrollerRect.Size;
457  Real ScrollDist = -(this->ScrollBack->GetActualSize().Y * this->IncrementDistance);
458  NewScrollerRect.Position.X = OldScrollerRect.Position.X;
459  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = OldScrollerRect.Position.Y + ScrollDist;
461  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = std::min(NewScrollerRect.Position.Y,this->GetUpperScrollLimit() - OldScrollerRect.Size.Y);
462  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = std::max(NewScrollerRect.Position.Y,this->GetLowerScrollLimit());
464  this->Scroller->UpdateDimensions(OldScrollerRect,NewScrollerRect);
466  const Real NewScrollerValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
467  if( OldScrollerValue != NewScrollerValue ) {
468  this->_OnScrollValueChanged(OldScrollerValue,NewScrollerValue);
469  }
471  return true;
472  }else if( Direction == Input::DIRECTIONALMOTION_DOWNRIGHT ) {
473  const Real OldScrollerValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
474  const Rect OldScrollerRect = this->Scroller->GetRect();
475  Rect NewScrollerRect;
476  NewScrollerRect.Size = OldScrollerRect.Size;
478  Real ScrollDist = this->ScrollBack->GetActualSize().Y * this->IncrementDistance;
479  NewScrollerRect.Position.X = OldScrollerRect.Position.X;
480  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = OldScrollerRect.Position.Y + ScrollDist;
482  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = std::min(NewScrollerRect.Position.Y,this->GetUpperScrollLimit() - OldScrollerRect.Size.Y);
483  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = std::max(NewScrollerRect.Position.Y,this->GetLowerScrollLimit());
485  this->Scroller->UpdateDimensions(OldScrollerRect,NewScrollerRect);
487  const Real NewScrollerValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
488  if( OldScrollerValue != NewScrollerValue ) {
489  this->_OnScrollValueChanged(OldScrollerValue,NewScrollerValue);
490  }
492  return true;
493  }
494  return false;
495  }
498  {
499  if( this->ChildLock == this->ScrollBack )
500  {
501  const Real OldScrollerValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
502  const Rect OldScrollerRect = this->Scroller->GetRect();
503  const Real ScrollDist = this->ScrollBack->GetActualSize().Y * this->IncrementDistance;
504  Rect NewScrollerRect(OldScrollerRect);
506  // Early escape in case of error, but in general this shouldn't happen.
507  if( HitPosition.X < 0.0 || HitPosition.Y < 0.0 )
508  return false;
510  if( HitPosition.Y < OldScrollerRect.Position.Y ) { // Check for above
511  NewScrollerRect.Position.X = OldScrollerRect.Position.X;
512  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = ( OldScrollerRect.Position.Y - OldScrollerRect.Size.Y <= this->GetLowerScrollLimit() ?
513  this->GetLowerScrollLimit() : OldScrollerRect.Position.Y - ScrollDist );
514  }else if( HitPosition.Y > OldScrollerRect.Position.Y + OldScrollerRect.Size.Y ) { // Check for below
515  NewScrollerRect.Position.X = OldScrollerRect.Position.X;
516  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = ( OldScrollerRect.Position.Y + ( OldScrollerRect.Size.Y * 2 ) >= this->GetUpperScrollLimit() ?
517  this->GetUpperScrollLimit() - OldScrollerRect.Size.Y : OldScrollerRect.Position.Y + ScrollDist );
518  }
520  this->Scroller->UpdateDimensions(OldScrollerRect,NewScrollerRect);
522  const Real NewScrollerValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
523  if( OldScrollerValue != NewScrollerValue ) {
524  this->_OnScrollValueChanged(OldScrollerValue,NewScrollerValue);
525  }
527  return true;
528  }
529  return false;
530  }
533  {
534  if( this->ChildLock == this->UpLeftButton ) {
535  const Real OldScrollerValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
536  const Rect OldScrollerRect = this->Scroller->GetRect();
537  Rect NewScrollerRect;
538  NewScrollerRect.Size = OldScrollerRect.Size;
540  Real ScrollDist = -(this->ScrollBack->GetActualSize().Y * this->IncrementDistance);
541  NewScrollerRect.Position.X = OldScrollerRect.Position.X;
542  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = OldScrollerRect.Position.Y + ScrollDist;
544  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = std::min(NewScrollerRect.Position.Y,this->GetUpperScrollLimit() - OldScrollerRect.Size.Y);
545  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = std::max(NewScrollerRect.Position.Y,this->GetLowerScrollLimit());
547  this->Scroller->UpdateDimensions(OldScrollerRect,NewScrollerRect);
549  const Real NewScrollerValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
550  if( OldScrollerValue != NewScrollerValue ) {
551  this->_OnScrollValueChanged(OldScrollerValue,NewScrollerValue);
552  }
554  return true;
555  }else if( this->ChildLock == this->DownRightButton ) {
556  const Real OldScrollerValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
557  const Rect OldScrollerRect = this->Scroller->GetRect();
558  Rect NewScrollerRect;
559  NewScrollerRect.Size = OldScrollerRect.Size;
561  Real ScrollDist = this->ScrollBack->GetActualSize().Y * this->IncrementDistance;
562  NewScrollerRect.Position.X = OldScrollerRect.Position.X;
563  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = OldScrollerRect.Position.Y + ScrollDist;
565  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = std::min(NewScrollerRect.Position.Y,this->GetUpperScrollLimit() - OldScrollerRect.Size.Y);
566  NewScrollerRect.Position.Y = std::max(NewScrollerRect.Position.Y,this->GetLowerScrollLimit());
568  this->Scroller->UpdateDimensions(OldScrollerRect,NewScrollerRect);
570  const Real NewScrollerValue = this->GetScrollerValue();
571  if( OldScrollerValue != NewScrollerValue ) {
572  this->_OnScrollValueChanged(OldScrollerValue,NewScrollerValue);
573  }
575  return true;
576  }
577  return false;
578  }
580  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
581  // VerticalScrollbarFactory Methods
584  { return VerticalScrollbar::TypeName; }
587  {
588  VerticalScrollbar* Ret = new VerticalScrollbar(RendName,Style,Parent);
590  return Ret;
591  }
594  {
595  VerticalScrollbar* Ret = new VerticalScrollbar(RendName,RendRect,Style,Parent);
597  return Ret;
598  }
601  {
602  VerticalScrollbar* Ret = new VerticalScrollbar(XMLNode,Parent);
604  return Ret;
605  }
608  {
609  VerticalScrollbar* Ret = new VerticalScrollbar(Parent);
611  return Ret;
612  }
615  {
616  UI::ScrollbarStyle Style = UI::SB_NoButtons;
618  NameValuePairMap::const_iterator ParamIt;
619  ParamIt = Params.find("ScrollbarStyle");
620  if( ParamIt != Params.end() )
621  Style = static_cast<UI::ScrollbarStyle>( StringTools::ConvertToUInt32( (*ParamIt).second ) );
623  return this->CreateVerticalScrollbar(RendName,Style,Parent);
624  }
626  Widget* VerticalScrollbarFactory::CreateWidget(const String& RendName, const UnifiedRect& RendRect, const NameValuePairMap& Params, Screen* Parent)
627  {
628  UI::ScrollbarStyle Style = UI::SB_NoButtons;
630  NameValuePairMap::const_iterator ParamIt;
631  ParamIt = Params.find("ScrollbarStyle");
632  if( ParamIt != Params.end() )
633  Style = static_cast<UI::ScrollbarStyle>( StringTools::ConvertToUInt32( (*ParamIt).second ) );
635  return this->CreateVerticalScrollbar(RendName,RendRect,Style,Parent);
636  }
639  { return this->CreateVerticalScrollbar(XMLNode,Parent); }
642  { delete static_cast<VerticalScrollbar*>( ToBeDestroyed ); }
643  }//UI
644 }//Mezzanine
646 #endif
virtual Real GetMaxYPages() const
Gets the maximum number of pages supported on the Y axis.
virtual void ProtoSerializeChildQuads(XML::Node &SelfRoot) const
Convert the child quads of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization.
virtual Rect GetRect() const
Gets this QuadRenderables' Rect.
Button * ScrollBack
The background around that can be clicked on and represents the valid bounds for the scroller...
Definition: scrollbar.h:139
virtual void Show()
Forces this renderable to be shown.
Definition: widget.cpp:257
UInt32 ConvertToUInt32(const String &ToConvert)
Converts a string into a UInt32.
Definition: stringtool.cpp:456
Button * Scroller
The manipulatable widget that represents the current position on the scrollbar/slider.
Definition: scrollbar.h:136
virtual void _OnScrollValueChanged(const Real OldValue, const Real NewValue)
Self logic to be executed when this scrollbar changes it's scrollvalue.
Definition: scrollbar.cpp:238
bool Boole
Generally acts a single bit, true or false.
Definition: datatypes.h:173
virtual void SubscribeToChildEvents()
Subscribes to all the events of this scrollbars children we care about. Used only on construction...
Definition: scrollbar.cpp:126
virtual void _MarkAllLayersDirty()
Tells this QuadRenderable that all of it's layers are dirty.
Vector2 Size
Vector2 representing the width and height of the rect.
Definition: rect.h:71
Anchors to the bottom side of the quad.
virtual Real GetMaxXPages() const
Gets the maximum number of pages supported on the X axis.
This is a specialization of a layout strategy where a group of quads are sized and placed in a linear...
Unified dimensions are ignored and will instead us all available space.
virtual Real GetScrollRange() const
Gets the range on which the scroller can be placed.
Definition: scrollbar.cpp:148
#define MEZZ_EXCEPTION(num, desc)
An easy way to throw exceptions with rich information.
Definition: exception.h:3048
int Integer
A datatype used to represent any integer close to.
Definition: datatypes.h:154
virtual Boole _ScrollBackScroll(const Vector2 &HitPosition)
Performs the operations for when the scrollback is clicked on to manipulate the scroller.
virtual String GetWidgetTypeName() const
Gets the name of the Widget that is created by this factory.
Real ScrollerSize
The size of the scroller on the appropriate axis relative to the ScrollBack.
Definition: scrollbar.h:156
virtual Boole _MouseScroll(const Vector2 &MouseDelta)
Performs the operations for when the scroller is directly manipulated by the mouse.
virtual Real GetScrollerValue() const
Get the currnent scroll position represented by a value between 0 and 1.
virtual const String & GetTypeName() const
Gets the type of widget this is.
virtual void Show()
Forces this renderable to be shown.
This class represents a box shaped area on the screen.
Definition: rect.h:55
Used by the scrollbar class to determine what styling should be used for the scrollbar.
PagedContainer * Container
A pointer to the PagedContainer this scrollbar is providing page data for.
Definition: pageprovider.h:60
virtual Widget * GetChild(const UInt16 Zorder) const
Gets a child by it's ZOrder.
ChildContainer ChildWidgets
This is a container storing all the children that belong to this Quad.
Button * DownRightButton
The Down/Right button that when clicked will move the scroller in that respective direction...
Definition: scrollbar.h:147
Rect ActDims
The actual (pixel) position and size of this Quad on the screen it belongs to.
virtual void ProtoDeSerializeChildQuads(const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the ChildQuads of this object with it...
float Real
A Datatype used to represent a real floating point number.
Definition: datatypes.h:141
This class represents a 2D rect which can express the size and position of a renderable on screen...
Definition: unifieddim.h:661
virtual Real GetScrollerSize() const
Gets the size of the scroller relative to the ScrollBack.
Resizing will use the provided unified dimensions with no further alterations. This is the default fo...
virtual void RemoveChild(Widget *ToBeRemoved)
Removes a child Widget from this quadrenderable.
The calculated value for the perpendicular axis will be used as the final value for this axis...
This is the scrollbar base class.
Definition: scrollbar.h:126
virtual ~VerticalScrollbar()
Class destructor.
Real Y
Coordinate on the Y vector.
Definition: vector2.h:69
virtual void DestroyWidget(Widget *ToBeDestroyed)
Destroys a widget.
Definition: screen.cpp:585
A light-weight handle for manipulating nodes in DOM tree.
Definition: node.h:89
virtual Widget * CreateWidget(Screen *Parent)
Creates a Widget of the type represented by this factory.
virtual Real GetCurrentYPage() const
Gets the current page position on the Y axis.
Real X
Coordinate on the X vector.
Definition: vector2.h:67
virtual const Vector2 & GetWorkAreaSize() const
Gets the size of this containers work area.
virtual void SetManualTransformUpdates(Boole Enable)
Sets whether or not this quad has specific behaviors for it's transform updates and they should not b...
This is used to represent a point on a 2 dimentional area, such as a screen.
Definition: vector2.h:63
This is the base class for all widgets.
Definition: widget.h:126
virtual void DestroyWidget(Widget *ToBeDestroyed)
Destroys a Widget created by this factory.
virtual void SetHorizontalSizingRules(const Whole Rules)
Sets the behavior this quad will have on the X axis when it is resized.
virtual void UnbindProvider(PageProvider *Prov)
Unbinds a provider being used by this container.
virtual Vector2 GetActualSize() const
Gets the pixel size of this widget.
virtual VerticalScrollbar * CreateVerticalScrollbar(const String &RendName, const UI::ScrollbarStyle &Style, Screen *Parent)
Creates a new VerticalScrollbar.
virtual void ConstructVerticalScrollbar(const UI::ScrollbarStyle &ScrollStyle)
Constructor helper function for creating a vertically aligned scrollbar.
virtual void Layout(const Rect &OldSelfRect, const Rect &NewSelfRect, const ChildContainer &ChildQuads)
Updates the dimensions of a collection of QuadRenderables.
virtual Real GetUpperScrollLimit() const
Gets the pixel position of the upper limit the scroller can be placed on.
String Name
The unique name of this Renderable.
Definition: renderable.h:81
Thrown when the available information should have worked but failed for unknown reasons.
Definition: exception.h:113
VerticalScrollbar(Screen *Parent)
Blank constructor.
virtual void SetVisible(Boole CanSee)
Sets the visibility of this renderable.
Uses the its own updated size as the offset for the new transform, and applies the Unified Dim of the...
virtual void ProtoSerializeChildQuads(XML::Node &SelfRoot) const
Convert the child quads of this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization.
virtual void AddChild(Widget *Child)
Adds a Widget to this as a child of this quad.
virtual void _SetLayoutStrat(LayoutStrategy *ToSet)
Sets a new LayoutStrategy for this quad to use.
virtual void Hide()
Forces this renderable to hide.
Definition: widget.cpp:266
static String GetSerializableName()
Get the name of the the XML tag the Renderable class will leave behind as its instances are serialize...
virtual Boole _MouseWheelScroll(const Integer Direction)
Performs the operations for when the scroller is manipulated by the mouse wheel.
Real IncrementDistance
The distance the scroller is to be moved when the up, left, down, or right buttons are clicked...
Definition: scrollbar.h:153
virtual Button * CreateButton(const String &RendName)
Creates a Button.
Definition: screen.cpp:630
virtual Boole _ButtonScroll(Button *TheButton)
Performs the operations for when one of the buttons is pressed to manipulate the scroller.
Boole AutoHideScroll
Stores whether or not this scrollbar should hide when there is 1 page or less of list items...
Definition: scrollbar.h:159
Button * UpLeftButton
The Up/Left button that when clicked will move the scroller in that respective direction.
Definition: scrollbar.h:143
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.
Definition: actor.cpp:56
virtual void SetScrollerValue(const Real &Value)
Sets the value of this scrollbar and warps the scroller to that respective position.
virtual void SetVerticalSizingRules(const Whole Rules)
Sets the behavior this quad will have on the Y axis when it is resized.
static const String TypeName
String containing the type name for this class: "VerticalScrollbar".
virtual void Hide()
Forces this renderable to hide.
virtual void _NotifyContainerUpdated()
Notifies this provider that the container it is providing page data to has been updated.
virtual Whole GetNumChildren() const
Gets the number of children in this QuadRenderable.
virtual Vector2 GetActualPosition() const
Gets the pixel position of this widget.
virtual void SetVisible(Boole CanSee)
Sets the visibility of this renderable.
Definition: widget.cpp:229
This class represents a point in 2D space using UnifiedDim's.
Definition: unifieddim.h:306
This class is a helper class, specifically for use as a button.
Definition: button.h:66
virtual void ProtoDeSerialize(const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite this object with it.
Button * ChildLock
This is a pointer to the specific child that is locked and being manipulated.
Definition: scrollbar.h:150
This is a scrollbar class aligned on the Y axis.
virtual void SetVerticalPositioningRules(const Whole Rules)
Sets the behavior this quad will have when it is positioned automatically on the Y axis...
virtual Real GetCurrentXPage() const
Gets the current page position on the X axis.
virtual void UpdateDimensions()
Updates the dimensions of this QuadRenderable based on the transform of it's parent.
Vector2 Position
Vector2 representing the top-left position of the rect.
Definition: rect.h:69
std::map< String, String > NameValuePairMap
This is a datatype mostly used for describing settings or parameters that can't be declared in advanc...
Definition: datatypes.h:209
virtual void ProtoDeSerializeChildQuads(const XML::Node &SelfRoot)
Take the data stored in an XML Node and overwrite the ChildQuads of this object with it...
This class is a helper class for creating UI's. It is responsible for storing and keeping track of al...
Definition: screen.h:142
Anchors to the top side of the quad.
LayoutStrategy * LayoutStrat
This is a pointer to the strategy being used by this Quad to determine the positions and sizes of chi...
std::string String
A datatype used to a series of characters.
Definition: datatypes.h:159
virtual void SetScrollerSize(const Real &Size)
Sets the length(or height) of the scroller based on the relative size of it's background.
Screen * ParentScreen
A pointer to the Screen that created this Renderable.
Definition: renderable.h:72
virtual Real GetLowerScrollLimit() const
Gets the pixel position of the lower limit the scroller can be placed on.