82 Vector2(
const Ogre::Vector2& Vec);
86 Ogre::Vector2 GetOgreVector2()
89 void ExtractOgreVector2(
const Ogre::Vector2& Thiers);
115 void SetValues(
const Real& x,
const Real& y);
118 Boole IsZero()
134 Boole operator==(
const Ogre::Vector2& Vec2)
138 Boole operator!=(
const Ogre::Vector2& Vec2)
243 Real SquaredLength()
274 void ProtoSerialize(
XML::Node& CurrentRoot)
277 void ProtoDeSerialize(
const XML::Node& OneNode);
281 static String GetSerializableName();
340 static const bool is_specialized =
342 static const bool is_signed =
344 static const bool is_integer =
346 static const bool is_exact = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::is_exact;
348 static const bool has_infinity = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::has_infinity;
351 static const bool has_quiet_NaN = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::has_quiet_NaN;
354 static const bool has_signaling_NaN = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::has_signaling_NaN;
356 static const std::float_denorm_style has_denorm = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::has_denorm;
358 static const bool has_denorm_loss = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::has_denorm_loss;
360 static const std::float_round_style round_style = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::round_style;
362 static const bool is_iec559 = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::is_iec559;
364 static const bool is_modulo = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::is_modulo;
366 static const int digits = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::digits;
368 static const int digits10 = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::digits10;
370 static const int radix = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::radix;
372 static const int min_exponent = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::min_exponent;
374 static const int min_exponent10 = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::min_exponent10;
376 static const int max_exponent = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::max_exponent;
378 static const int max_exponent10 = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::max_exponent10;
380 static const bool traps = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::traps;
382 static const bool tinyness_before = std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::tinyness_before;
389 std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::min()
398 std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::max()
407 std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::epsilon()
416 std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::round_error()
425 std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::infinity()
434 std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::quiet_NaN()
443 std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::signaling_NaN()
452 std::numeric_limits<Mezzanine::Real>::denorm_min()
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Mezzanine::LinearInterpolator< T > &Lint)
Used to Serialize an Mezzanine::LinearInterpolator to a human readable stream.
static Mezzanine::Vector2 signaling_NaN()
Get the special value "Signaling Not actual Number".
bool Boole
Generally acts a single bit, true or false.
static Mezzanine::Vector2 quiet_NaN()
Get the special value "Quiet Not actual Number".
static Mezzanine::Vector2 infinity()
Get the special value "Positive infinity".
static Mezzanine::Vector2 denorm_min()
Get the closest value to 0 that is not 0 this can represent, including extra precision for being clos...
All the definitions for datatypes as well as some basic conversion functions are defined here...
SmoothTrackIterator< InterpolatableType > & operator+(Integer Steps, SmoothTrackIterator< InterpolatableType > &Iter)
This allows for addition with and an Integer on the Left hand side, such as: 2 + Iter.
Mezzanine::Vector3 operator/(const btVector3 &Vec, const Mezzanine::Vector3 &lhs)
Right Hand Division Operator for Bullet Vectors with a Mezzanine::Vector3.
static Mezzanine::Vector2 max()
Get the highest positive finite value this can represent.
float Real
A Datatype used to represent a real floating point number.
Real Y
Coordinate on the Y vector.
SmoothTrackIterator< InterpolatableType > & operator-(Integer Steps, SmoothTrackIterator< InterpolatableType > &Iter)
This allows for subtraction with and an Integer on the Left hand side, such as: 2 + Iter...
A light-weight handle for manipulating nodes in DOM tree.
Mezzanine::Vector3 operator*(const btVector3 &Vec, const Mezzanine::Vector3 &lhs)
Right Hand Multiplication Operator for Bullet Vectors with a Mezzanine::Vector3.
Real X
Coordinate on the X vector.
This is used to represent a point on a 2 dimentional area, such as a screen.
static Mezzanine::Vector2 epsilon()
The smallest value representable from 1.0,1.0 to the next value.
static Mezzanine::Vector2 round_error()
Get the largest possible rounding error.
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &stream, Mezzanine::LinearInterpolator< T > &Lint)
Used to de-serialize an Mezzanine::LinearInterpolator from a stream.
static Mezzanine::Vector2 min()
Get the lowest positive finite value this can represent.
A compare fuctor that uses vector length.
std::string String
A datatype used to a series of characters.