43 #include "colourvalue.h"
44 #include "UI/uienumerations.h"
45 #include "UI/widget.h"
46 #include "UI/textlayer.h"
53 class VerticalScrollbar;
54 class VerticalContainer;
108 virtual ListItem* CreateListItem(
const String& ItemName);
138 virtual void SetListItemSizing(
const SizingInfo& ForcedSize,
const Whole Enforcement);
142 virtual void SetListItemSize(
const SizingInfo& ForcedSize);
145 virtual const SizingInfo& GetListItemSize()
148 virtual void SetListItemSizeEnforcement(
const Whole Enforcement);
151 virtual Whole GetListItemSizeEnforcement()
156 virtual void SetScrollbarWidth(
const UnifiedDim& ScrollWidth);
159 virtual const UnifiedDim& GetScrollbarWidth()
162 virtual void UpdateDimensions(
const Rect& OldSelfRect,
const Rect& NewSelfRect);
165 virtual const String& GetTypeName()
174 virtual void SetListItemFont(
FontData* Font);
179 virtual void SetListItemFont(
const String& FontName);
182 virtual FontData* GetListItemFont()
201 virtual Real GetListItemTextScalar()
221 virtual ListItem* CreateSingleLineListItem(
const String& ItemName,
const String& Text);
230 virtual ListItem* CreateMultiLineListItem(
const String& ItemName,
const String& Text);
234 virtual ListItem* GetListItem(
const String& Name)
237 virtual Whole GetNumListItems()
240 virtual void DestroyListItem(ListItem* ToBeDestroyed);
242 virtual void DestroyAllListItems();
252 virtual ListItem* GetLastSelectedListItem()
258 virtual void ProtoSerializeProperties(
XML::Node& SelfRoot)
260 virtual void ProtoSerializeChildQuads(
XML::Node& SelfRoot)
263 virtual void ProtoDeSerializeProperties(
const XML::Node& SelfRoot);
265 virtual void ProtoDeSerializeChildQuads(
const XML::Node& SelfRoot);
268 static String GetSerializableName();
291 virtual String GetWidgetTypeName()
321 virtual void DestroyWidget(
Widget* ToBeDestroyed);
This enum is used to describe how new ListItems are inserted into the list.
This class represents a collection of Glyphs in a common visual style.
virtual ~ListBoxFactory()
Class destructor.
FontData * ListItemFont
Stores the default font that will be used by all ListItems generated by this ListBox.
bool Boole
Generally acts a single bit, true or false.
This is the factory implementation for ListBox widgets.
static const String TypeName
String containing the type name for this class: "ListBox".
Real ListItemCharScaling
The amount of auto-scaling to be applied to all created list items.
This is a helper class designed to describe the behaviors of a quad when it needs to be resized...
This class represents a box shaped area on the screen.
Used by the scrollbar class to determine what styling should be used for the scrollbar.
float Real
A Datatype used to represent a real floating point number.
This class represents a 2D rect which can express the size and position of a renderable on screen...
VerticalContainer * ListContainer
A pointer to the vertical container storing all the list items.
An enum used to describe how the text generated by this layer will be automatically scaled...
ListItemOrdering Ordering
Stores how new entries will be inserted with other elements in this ListBox.
A light-weight handle for manipulating nodes in DOM tree.
A layout container that aligns it's children along a common Y axis.
This class represents both the relative and absolute values that can be expressed for the values on o...
TextLayer::ScalingMode ListItemCharScalingMode
The auto-scaling mode that is to be applied to all created list items.
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.
unsigned long Whole
Whole is an unsigned integer, it will be at least 32bits in size.
VerticalScrollbar * ListScroll
A pointer to the vertical scrollbar responsible for the visible list items.
std::map< String, String > NameValuePairMap
This is a datatype mostly used for describing settings or parameters that can't be declared in advanc...
This class is a helper class for creating UI's. It is responsible for storing and keeping track of al...
std::string String
A datatype used to a series of characters.
Class constructor.
This is a widget for displaying a list of captions in a box.
Widget ListItem
Convenience typedef for objects that will be used to represent list items in this ListBox...