67 #ifndef _graphicsproceduralbooleanmeshgenerator_h
68 #define _graphicsproceduralbooleanmeshgenerator_h
70 #include "Graphics/Procedural/Mesh/meshgenerator.h"
71 #include "Graphics/Procedural/proceduralenumerations.h"
BooleanOperation BoolOp
The operation to be performed on the two buffers.
TriangleBuffer * FirstBuffer
The first of the two buffers to operate on.
A convenience buffer that stores vertices and indices of a mesh to be generated.
A generator class for performing boolean operations on two buffers.
TriangleBuffer * SecondBuffer
The second of the two buffers to operate on.
A base class containing all of the utilities needed for a mesh generator.
An enum used to describe which boolean operation to take when processing two triangle buffers...
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.