40 #ifndef _lua51scriptargument_h
41 #define _lua51scriptargument_h
83 virtual void Push(lua_State* TargetState)
const = 0;
88 virtual void Pop(lua_State* TargetState) = 0;
110 virtual void Push(lua_State* TargetState)
112 virtual void Pop(lua_State* TargetState);
134 virtual void Push(lua_State* TargetState)
136 virtual void Pop(lua_State* TargetState);
157 virtual void Push(lua_State* TargetState)
159 virtual void Pop(lua_State* TargetState);
177 virtual void Push(lua_State* TargetState)
179 virtual void Pop(lua_State* TargetState);
202 virtual void Push(lua_State* TargetState)
204 virtual void Pop(lua_State* TargetState);
222 virtual void Push(lua_State* TargetState)
224 virtual void Pop(lua_State* TargetState);
375 #endif // \_scriptinglua_h
virtual Lua51IntegerArgument * GetMostDerived()
Get a pointer to the most Derived type of this class.
const Integer LuaReal
Lua51RealArgument returns this value when checking GetTypeData() const.
Returned from GetTypeData() const when a ScriptArgumentGeneric is specialized as an Integer...
Scripting::Lua::Lua51WholeArgument RefCountType
The type that maintains the Reference count for Lua51WholeArgument with be Lua51WholeArgument itself...
bool Boole
Generally acts a single bit, true or false.
virtual Lua51StringArgument * GetMostDerived()
Get a pointer to the most Derived type of this class.
Returned from GetTypeData() const when a ScriptArgumentGeneric is specialized as an Bool...
static RefCountType * ConstructionPointer(RefCountType *Target)
Given a pointer to the raw object this will return a pointer to an initialized reference count...
static RefCountType * ConstructionPointer(RefCountType *Target)
Given a pointer to the raw object this will return a pointer to an initialized reference count...
All the definitions for datatypes as well as some basic conversion functions are defined here...
int Integer
A datatype used to represent any integer close to.
Returned from GetTypeData() const when a ScriptArgumentGeneric is specialized as an Real...
This file has the interfaces for Scripts and tag derived classes.
Returned from GetTypeData() const when a ScriptArgumentGeneric is intended as NullPtr, SQL Null, Lua Nil, Ruby nil, etc...
virtual Lua51BoolArgument * GetMostDerived()
Get a pointer to the most Derived type of this class.
Scripting::Lua::Lua51NilArgument RefCountType
The type that maintains the Reference count for Lua51NilArgument with be Lua51NilArgument itself...
Scripting::Lua::Lua51StringArgument RefCountType
The type that Lua51StringArgument the Reference count for Lua51StringArgument with be Lua51StringArgu...
No special care is required for Whole number Lua Arguments, so a simple typedef is used...
virtual ~Lua51StringArgument()
Virtual deconstructor.
virtual ~LuaArgument()
Virtual deconstructor.
static RefCountType * ConstructionPointer(RefCountType *Target)
Given a pointer to the raw object this will return a pointer to an initialized reference count...
A dynamic cast from the pointer as provided with no attempt to calls functions on the pointer target...
float Real
A Datatype used to represent a real floating point number.
virtual String GetString() const
Get Nil as a String.
Lua51BoolArgument(Boole InitialValue=false)
Setting Constructor.
Scripting::Lua::LuaArgument RefCountType
The type that maintains the Reference count for LuaArgument with be LuaArgument itself.
Lua51RealArgument(Real InitialValue=0.0)
Initializing constructor.
virtual ~Lua51IntegerArgument()
Virtual deconstructor.
const Integer LuaWhole
Lua51WholeArgument returns this value when checking GetTypeData() const.
No special care is required for String Lua Arguments, so a simple typedef is used.
This is used to deduce at compile if a specific class has built-in reference counting or needs an ext...
Returned from GetTypeData() const when a ScriptArgumentGeneric is specialized as an String...
static RefCountType * ConstructionPointer(RefCountType *Target)
Given a pointer to the raw object this will return a pointer to an initialized reference count...
The implementations in the ScriptArgumentGeneric will cover most of what this needs...
virtual ~Lua51BoolArgument()
Virtual deconstructor.
Returned from GetTypeData() const when a ScriptArgumentGeneric is specialized as an Whole...
static RefCountType * ConstructionPointer(RefCountType *Target)
Given a pointer to the raw object this will return a pointer to an initialized reference count...
A String implementation of a ScriptArgument that is suitable for primitive types in most situations...
const Integer LuaString
Lua51StringArgument returns this value when checking GetTypeData() const.
const Integer LuaInteger
Lua51IntegerArgument returns this value when checking GetTypeData() const.
static RefCountType * ConstructionPointer(RefCountType *Target)
Given a pointer to the raw object this will return a pointer to an initialized reference count...
Lua51IntegerArgument(Integer InitialValue=0)
Implicit constructor.
virtual ~Lua51WholeArgument()
Virtual deconstructor.
The ScriptArgumentGeneric needs just a bit of Lua specific functionality so we add push/pop for th...
virtual Lua51RealArgument * GetMostDerived()
Get a pointer to the most Derived type of this class.
This file has the interfaces for Script Arguments and the associated dependency chain.
No special care is required for Bool Lua Arguments, so a simple typedef is used.
Scripting::Lua::Lua51RealArgument RefCountType
The type that maintains the Reference count for Lua51RealArgument with be Lua51RealArgument itself...
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.
unsigned long Whole
Whole is an unsigned integer, it will be at least 32bits in size.
virtual LuaArgument * GetMostDerived()
Get a pointer to the most Derived type of this class.
A generic implementation of a ScriptArgument that is suitable for primitive types in most situations...
const Integer LuaBool
Lua51BoolArgument returns this value when checking GetTypeData() const.
virtual Lua51WholeArgument * GetMostDerived()
Get a pointer to the most Derived type of this class.
virtual ~Lua51RealArgument()
Virtual deconstructor.
Lua51WholeArgument(Whole InitialValue=0)
Initializing Constructor.
virtual ~Lua51NilArgument()
Virtual deconstructor.
const Integer LuaNil
Lua51NilArgument returns this value when checking GetTypeData() const.
std::string String
A datatype used to a series of characters.
A Real that can readily be passed into lua scripts.
virtual Lua51NilArgument * GetMostDerived()
Get a pointer to the most Derived type of this class.
Represents not much of anything but will insert and retrieves Nils from Lua51.
Scripting::Lua::Lua51BoolArgument RefCountType
The type that maintains the Reference count for Lua51BoolArgument with be Lua51BoolArgument itself...
Scripting::Lua::Lua51IntegerArgument RefCountType
The type that maintains the Reference count for Lua51IntegerArgument with be Lua51IntegerArgument its...
This file has the interfaces for Scripting managers and the associated dependency chain...
static RefCountType * ConstructionPointer(RefCountType *Target)
Given a pointer to the raw object this will return a pointer to an initialized reference count...