67 #ifndef _graphicsproceduralhemisphereuvmodifier_h
68 #define _graphicsproceduralhemisphereuvmodifier_h
70 #include "Graphics/Procedural/Mesh/meshmodifier.h"
105 virtual String GetName()
A base class for modifying the contents of an already populated triangle buffer.
A convenience buffer that stores vertices and indices of a mesh to be generated.
RealRect OuterHemisphereQuad
The bounds of the texture atlas that is to be applied to the top part of the hemisphere.
RealRect InnerHemisphereQuad
The bounds of the texture atlas that is to be applied to the under part of the hemisphere.
A modifier that will generate UV coordinates as they would need to be on a hemisphere model...
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.
std::string String
A datatype used to a series of characters.