40 #ifndef _physicsconvexhullcollisionshape_cpp
41 #define _physicsconvexhullcollisionshape_cpp
43 #include "Physics/convexhullcollisionshape.h"
44 #include "collisionshapemanager.h"
45 #include "stringtool.h"
47 #include "btBulletDynamicsCommon.h"
58 btScalar* BulletPoints =
new btScalar[Points.size() * 3];
59 for(
Whole X = 0 ; X < Points.size() ; ++X )
61 BulletPoints[X*3] = Points[X][0];
62 BulletPoints[X*3+1] = Points[X][1];
63 BulletPoints[X*3+2] = Points[X][2];
67 SetPointers(
new btConvexHullShape(BulletPoints,Points.size(),3*
69 delete[] BulletPoints;
133 {
return static_cast<btConvexHullShape*
ShapeBase); }
188 {
return String(
"ConvexHullCollisionShape"); }
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Mezzanine::LinearInterpolator< T > &Lint)
Used to Serialize an Mezzanine::LinearInterpolator to a human readable stream.
Attribute AppendAttribute(const Char8 *Name)
Creates an Attribute and puts it at the end of this Nodes attributes.
A light-weight handle for manipulating attributes in DOM tree.
bool Boole
Generally acts a single bit, true or false.
ConvexHullCollisionShape(const String &Name, const std::vector< Vector3 > &Points)
Class Constructor.
virtual void ProtoDeSerialize(const XML::Node &OneNode)
Node GetFirstChild() const
Get the first child Node of this Node.
#define MEZZ_EXCEPTION(num, desc)
An easy way to throw exceptions with rich information.
std::ostream & Serialize(std::ostream &Stream, const T &Converted, const String &Indent=String(""))
Convert any class that supports serialization or has a serializer to a string of chars in a stream...
static String GetSerializableName()
Get the name of the the XML tag this class will leave behind as its instances are serialized...
const Char8 * AsString(const Char8 *def="") const
Attempts to convert the value of the attribute to a String and returns the results.
virtual void ProtoSerialize(XML::Node &CurrentRoot) const
virtual void AddPoint(const Vector3 &Point)
Adds a point to this shape.
A simple convex shape built from a low number of points in local space.
Node GetNextSibling() const
Attempt to retrieve the next sibling of this Node.
virtual void ProtoSerialize(XML::Node &CurrentRoot) const
virtual btConvexHullShape * GetBulletHullShape() const
float Real
A Datatype used to represent a real floating point number.
virtual Whole GetNumPoints() const
Gets the total number of points being stored in this shape.
bool SetValue(const Char8 *rhs)
Set the value of this.
btVector3 GetBulletVector3() const
Gets a Bullet vector3.
A light-weight handle for manipulating nodes in DOM tree.
int AsInt(int def=0) const
Attempts to convert the value of the attribute to an int and returns the results. ...
static String GetSerializableName()
Get the name of the the XML tag this class will leave behind as its instances are serialized...
virtual ~ConvexHullCollisionShape()
Class Destructor.
This enum describes what kind of shape you are currently working with.
std::istream & DeSerialize(std::istream &Stream, T &Converted)
Deserialize the next xml tag in the stream into a specific in memory class instance.
virtual CollisionShape::ShapeType GetType() const
Gets the type of Collision shape this is.
void DeSerializeError(const String &FailedTo, const String &ClassName, Boole SOrD)
Simply does some string concatenation, then throws an Exception.
Thrown when parameters are checked at runtime and found invalid.
virtual Vector3 GetUnscaledPoint(const Whole &Index) const
Gets an unscaled stored point in this ConvexHull.
This is used to represent a point in space, or a vector through space.
void SetPointers(btConvexInternalShape *Shape)
Sets the internal pointers on the base classes.
virtual void ProtoDeSerialize(const XML::Node &OneNode)
String Name
Storage for the name of this class instance.
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.
unsigned long Whole
Whole is an unsigned integer, it will be at least 32bits in size.
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &stream, Mezzanine::LinearInterpolator< T > &Lint)
Used to de-serialize an Mezzanine::LinearInterpolator from a stream.
btCollisionShape * ShapeBase
A pointer to the bullet collision this uses.
const Char8 * Name() const
ptrdiff_tGet the name of this Node.
void SerializeError(const String &FailedTo, const String &ClassName, Boole SOrD)
Simply does some string concatenation, then throws an Exception.
Node AppendChild(NodeType Type=NodeElement)
Creates a Node and makes it a child of this one.
virtual Boole IsInside(const Vector3 &Location, const Real &Tolerance) const
Checks to see if a point in local space is inside this shape.
std::string String
A datatype used to a series of characters.
Attribute GetAttribute(const Char8 *Name) const
Attempt to get an Attribute on this Node with a given name.
virtual Vector3 GetPoint(const Whole &Index) const
Gets a stored point as it is scaled in this ConvexHull.
Indicates the class is a ConvexHullCollisionShape.
void ProtoSerialize(XML::Node &CurrentRoot) const
Convert this class to an XML::Node ready for serialization.
Node GetChild(const Char8 *Name) const
Attempt to get a child Node with a given name.