56 : ThreadGoal (SynchThreadCount),
int32_t Int32
An 32-bit integer.
void SetThreadSyncCount(Int32 NewCount)
Set the Thread count Atomically.
bool Wait()
Wait until the specified number of threads reach this point.
Int32 IsBlocking
Does calling wait on this barrier block at presemt.
Int32 ThreadCurrent
The number of threads currently waiting.
Int32 AtomicAdd(Int32 *VariableToChange, Int32 Value)
Increments a value in a way guaranteed to not lose any atomic increments.
Int32 AtomicCompareAndSwap32(Int32 *VariableToChange, const Int32 &OldValue, const Int32 &NewValue)
Atomically Compares And Swaps a 32 bit value.
Int32 ThreadGoal
The number of threads to have wait.
Barrier(const Int32 &SynchThreadCount)
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.
The declaration of the Mezzanine::Threading::Barrier Barrier synchronization primitive.