Spinning Topp Logo BlackTopp Studios
1 // © Copyright 2010 - 2016 BlackTopp Studios Inc.
2 /* This file is part of The Mezzanine Engine.
4  The Mezzanine Engine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7  (at your option) any later version.
9  The Mezzanine Engine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  GNU General Public License for more details.
14  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  along with The Mezzanine Engine. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 */
17 /* The original authors have included a copy of the license specified above in the
18  'Docs' folder. See 'gpl.txt'
19 */
20 /* We welcome the use of the Mezzanine engine to anyone, including companies who wish to
21  Build professional software and charge for their product.
23  However there are some practical restrictions, so if your project involves
24  any of the following you should contact us and we will try to work something
25  out:
26  - DRM or Copy Protection of any kind(except Copyrights)
27  - Software Patents You Do Not Wish to Freely License
28  - Any Kind of Linking to Non-GPL licensed Works
29  - Are Currently In Violation of Another Copyright Holder's GPL License
30  - If You want to change our code and not add a few hundred MB of stuff to
31  your distribution
33  These and other limitations could cause serious legal problems if you ignore
34  them, so it is best to simply contact us or the Free Software Foundation, if
35  you have any questions.
37  Joseph Toppi - toppij@gmail.com
38  John Blackwood - makoenergy02@gmail.com
39 */
40 #ifndef _matrix3x3_cpp
41 #define _matrix3x3_cpp
43 #include "matrix3x3.h"
44 #include "MathTools/mathtools.h"
45 #include "entresol.h"
47 #include "btBulletDynamicsCommon.h"
48 #include <OgreMatrix3.h>
50 namespace Mezzanine
51 {
53  {
54  SetIdentity();
55  }
58  {
59  }
61  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
62  // Additional Constructors
64  Matrix3x3::Matrix3x3(const Real& XX, const Real& XY, const Real& XZ, const Real& YX, const Real& YY, const Real& YZ, const Real& ZX, const Real& ZY, const Real& ZZ)
65  {
66  SetValues(XX,XY,XZ,YX,YY,YZ,ZX,ZY,ZZ);
67  }
69  Matrix3x3::Matrix3x3(const Real& Yaw, const Real& Pitch, const Real& Roll)
70  {
71  SetFromEulerZYX(Yaw,Pitch,Roll);
72  }
75  {
76  SetFromQuaternion(Rot);
77  }
79  Matrix3x3::Matrix3x3(const Vector3& Axis, const Real& Angle)
80  {
81  SetFromAxisAngle(Axis,Angle);
82  }
84  Matrix3x3::Matrix3x3(const btMatrix3x3& Mat)
85  {
87  }
89  Matrix3x3::Matrix3x3(const Ogre::Matrix3& Mat)
90  {
92  }
94  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
95  // Set From Other Data Functions
97  void Matrix3x3::SetValues(const Real& XX, const Real& XY, const Real& XZ, const Real& YX, const Real& YY, const Real& YZ, const Real& ZX, const Real& ZY, const Real& ZZ)
98  {
99  Matrix[0][0] = XX;
100  Matrix[0][1] = XY;
101  Matrix[0][2] = XZ;
102  Matrix[1][0] = YX;
103  Matrix[1][1] = YY;
104  Matrix[1][2] = YZ;
105  Matrix[2][0] = ZX;
106  Matrix[2][1] = ZY;
107  Matrix[2][2] = ZZ;
108  }
110  void Matrix3x3::SetFromEulerZYX(const Real& Yaw, const Real& Pitch, const Real& Roll)
111  {
112  Real Cos, Sin;
114  Cos = MathTools::Cos(Yaw);
115  Sin = MathTools::Sin(Yaw);
116  Matrix3x3 ZMat(Cos,-Sin,0.0,Sin,Cos,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
118  Cos = MathTools::Cos(Pitch);
119  Sin = MathTools::Sin(Pitch);
120  Matrix3x3 YMat(Cos,0.0,Sin,0.0,1.0,0.0,-Sin,0.0,Cos);
122  Cos = MathTools::Cos(Roll);
123  Sin = MathTools::Sin(Roll);
124  Matrix3x3 XMat(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Cos,-Sin,0.0,Sin,Cos);
126  *this = ZMat * (YMat * XMat);
127  }
130  {
131  Real Dist = Rot.LengthSqrd();
132  if(Dist == Real(0.0))
133  { MEZZ_EXCEPTION(ExceptionBase::ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION,"Attempting to set Matrix3x3 with zero length Quaternion, this is bad."); }
134  Real Sc = Real(2.0) / Dist;
135  Real XS = Rot.X * Sc, YS = Rot.Y * Sc, ZS = Rot.Z * Sc;
136  Real WX = Rot.W * XS, WY = Rot.W * YS, WZ = Rot.W * ZS;
137  Real XX = Rot.X * XS, XY = Rot.X * YS, XZ = Rot.X * ZS;
138  Real YY = Rot.Y * YS, YZ = Rot.Y * ZS, ZZ = Rot.Z * ZS;
139  SetValues(Real(1.0) - (YY + ZZ), XY - WZ, XZ + WY,
140  XY + WZ, Real(1.0) - (XX + ZZ), YZ - WX,
141  XZ - WY, YZ + WX, Real(1.0) - (XX + YY));
142  }
144  void Matrix3x3::SetFromAxisAngle(const Vector3& Axis, const Real& Angle)
145  {
146  Real Cos = MathTools::Cos(Angle);
147  Real Sin = MathTools::Sin(Angle);
148  Real OneMinusCos = 1.0 - Cos;
149  Real X2 = Axis.X * Axis.X;
150  Real Y2 = Axis.Y * Axis.Y;
151  Real Z2 = Axis.Z * Axis.Z;
152  Real XYM = Axis.X * Axis.Y * OneMinusCos;
153  Real XZM = Axis.X * Axis.Z * OneMinusCos;
154  Real YZM = Axis.Y * Axis.Z * OneMinusCos;
155  Real XSin = Axis.X * Sin;
156  Real YSin = Axis.Y * Sin;
157  Real ZSin = Axis.Z * Sin;
159  Matrix[0][0] = X2 * OneMinusCos + Cos;
160  Matrix[0][1] = XYM - ZSin;
161  Matrix[0][2] = XZM + YSin;
162  Matrix[1][0] = XYM + ZSin;
163  Matrix[1][1] = Y2 * OneMinusCos + Cos;
164  Matrix[1][2] = YZM - XSin;
165  Matrix[2][0] = XZM - YSin;
166  Matrix[2][1] = YZM + XSin;
167  Matrix[2][2] = Z2 * OneMinusCos + Cos;
168  }
171  {
172  SetValues(1,0,0,
173  0,1,0,
174  0,0,1);
175  }
178  {
179  SetValues(0,0,0,
180  0,0,0,
181  0,0,0);
182  }
184  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
185  // Utility and Conversion Functions
188  {
189  Real Cofactor00 = Matrix[1][1] * Matrix[2][2] - Matrix[1][2] * Matrix[2][1];
190  Real Cofactor10 = Matrix[1][2] * Matrix[2][0] - Matrix[1][0] * Matrix[2][2];
191  Real Cofactor20 = Matrix[1][0] * Matrix[2][1] - Matrix[1][1] * Matrix[2][0];
193  Real Det = Matrix[0][0] * Cofactor00 + Matrix[0][1] * Cofactor10 + Matrix[0][2] * Cofactor20;
195  return Det;
196  }
199  {
200  Real Trace = Matrix[0][0] + Matrix[1][1] + Matrix[2][2];
201  Quaternion Ret;
203  if (Trace > Real(0.0))
204  {
205  Real Sc = MathTools::Sqrt(Trace + Real(1.0));
206  Ret.W = (Sc * Real(0.5));
207  Sc = Real(0.5) / Sc;
209  Ret.X = ( (Matrix[2][1] - Matrix[1][2]) * Sc );
210  Ret.Y = ( (Matrix[0][2] - Matrix[2][0]) * Sc );
211  Ret.Z = ( (Matrix[1][0] - Matrix[0][1]) * Sc );
212  }
213  else
214  {
215  int I = Matrix[0][0] < Matrix[1][1] ?
216  ( Matrix[1][1] < Matrix[2][2] ? 2 : 1 ) :
217  ( Matrix[0][0] < Matrix[2][2] ? 2 : 0 );
218  int J = (I + 1) % 3;
219  int K = (I + 2) % 3;
221  Real Sc = MathTools::Sqrt(Matrix[I][I] - Matrix[J][J] - Matrix[K][K] + Real(1.0));
222  Ret[I] = Sc * Real(0.5);
223  Sc = Real(0.5) / Sc;
225  Ret[J] = ( Matrix[J][I] + Matrix[I][J] ) * Sc;
226  Ret[K] = ( Matrix[K][I] + Matrix[I][K] ) * Sc;
227  Ret[3] = ( Matrix[K][J] - Matrix[J][K] ) * Sc;
228  }
229  return Ret;
230  }
232  void Matrix3x3::ExtractBulletMatrix3x3(const btMatrix3x3& temp)
233  {
234  btVector3 Col1 = temp.getColumn(0);
235  btVector3 Col2 = temp.getColumn(1);
236  btVector3 Col3 = temp.getColumn(2);
238  Matrix[0][0] = Col1.x();
239  Matrix[0][1] = Col2.x();
240  Matrix[0][2] = Col3.x();
241  Matrix[1][0] = Col1.y();
242  Matrix[1][1] = Col2.y();
243  Matrix[1][2] = Col3.y();
244  Matrix[2][0] = Col1.z();
245  Matrix[2][1] = Col2.z();
246  Matrix[2][2] = Col3.z();
247  }
249  btMatrix3x3 Matrix3x3::GetBulletMatrix3x3() const
250  {
251  return btMatrix3x3(Matrix[0][0],Matrix[0][1],Matrix[0][2],Matrix[1][0],Matrix[1][1],Matrix[1][2],Matrix[2][0],Matrix[2][1],Matrix[2][2]);
252  }
254  void Matrix3x3::ExtractOgreMatrix3x3(const Ogre::Matrix3& temp)
255  {
256  Ogre::Vector3 Col1 = temp.GetColumn(0);
257  Ogre::Vector3 Col2 = temp.GetColumn(1);
258  Ogre::Vector3 Col3 = temp.GetColumn(2);
260  Matrix[0][0] = Col1.x;
261  Matrix[0][1] = Col2.x;
262  Matrix[0][2] = Col3.x;
263  Matrix[1][0] = Col1.y;
264  Matrix[1][1] = Col2.y;
265  Matrix[1][2] = Col3.y;
266  Matrix[2][0] = Col1.z;
267  Matrix[2][1] = Col2.z;
268  Matrix[2][2] = Col3.z;
269  }
271  Ogre::Matrix3 Matrix3x3::GetOgreMatrix3x3() const
272  {
273  return Ogre::Matrix3(Matrix[0][0],Matrix[0][1],Matrix[0][2],Matrix[1][0],Matrix[1][1],Matrix[1][2],Matrix[2][0],Matrix[2][1],Matrix[2][2]);
274  }
276  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
277  // Comparison Operators
280  {
281  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; ++Row )
282  {
283  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; ++Col )
284  {
285  if( Matrix[Row][Col] != Other.Matrix[Row][Col] )
286  return false;
287  }
288  }
289  return true;
290  }
293  {
294  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; ++Row )
295  {
296  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; ++Col )
297  {
298  if( Matrix[Row][Col] == Other.Matrix[Row][Col] )
299  return false;
300  }
301  }
302  return true;
303  }
305  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
306  // Arithmetic Operators With Matrix3x3
309  {
310  Matrix3x3 Ret;
311  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; ++Row )
312  {
313  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; ++Col )
314  {
315  Ret.Matrix[Row][Col] = Matrix[Row][Col] + Other.Matrix[Row][Col];
316  }
317  }
318  return Ret;
319  }
322  {
323  Matrix3x3 Ret;
324  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; ++Row )
325  {
326  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; ++Col )
327  {
328  Ret.Matrix[Row][Col] = Matrix[Row][Col] - Other.Matrix[Row][Col];
329  }
330  }
331  return Ret;
332  }
335  {
336  Matrix3x3 Ret;
337  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; ++Row )
338  {
339  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; ++Col )
340  {
341  Ret.Matrix[Row][Col] =
342  Matrix[Row][0] * Other.Matrix[0][Col] +
343  Matrix[Row][1] * Other.Matrix[1][Col] +
344  Matrix[Row][2] * Other.Matrix[2][Col];
345  }
346  }
347  return Ret;
348  }
351  {
352  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; ++Row )
353  {
354  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; ++Col )
355  {
356  Matrix[Row][Col] += Other.Matrix[Row][Col];
357  }
358  }
359  return *this;
360  }
363  {
364  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; ++Row )
365  {
366  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; ++Col )
367  {
368  Matrix[Row][Col] -= Other.Matrix[Row][Col];
369  }
370  }
371  return *this;
372  }
375  {
376  (*this) = (*this) * Other;
377  return *this;
378  }
380  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
381  // Arithmetic Operators With Other Datatypes
384  {
385  Vector3 Ret;
387  Ret.X = Matrix[0][0] * Vec.X + Matrix[0][1] * Vec.Y + Matrix[0][2] * Vec.Z;
388  Ret.Y = Matrix[1][0] * Vec.X + Matrix[1][1] * Vec.Y + Matrix[1][2] * Vec.Z;
389  Ret.Z = Matrix[2][0] * Vec.X + Matrix[2][1] * Vec.Y + Matrix[2][2] * Vec.Z;
391  return Ret;
392  }
394  Matrix3x3 Matrix3x3::operator*(const Real& Scaler) const
395  {
396  Matrix3x3 Ret;
397  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; ++Row )
398  {
399  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; ++Col )
400  {
401  Ret.Matrix[Row][Col] = Matrix[Row][Col] * Scaler;
402  }
403  }
404  return Ret;
405  }
408  {
409  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; ++Row )
410  {
411  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; ++Col )
412  {
413  Matrix[Row][Col] *= Scaler;
414  }
415  }
416  return *this;
417  }
419  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
420  // Other Operators
422  void Matrix3x3::operator=(const Matrix3x3& Other)
423  {
424  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; ++Row )
425  {
426  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; ++Col )
427  {
428  Matrix[Row][Col] = Other.Matrix[Row][Col];
429  }
430  }
431  }
434  {
435  Matrix3x3 Ret;
436  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; ++Row )
437  {
438  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; ++Col )
439  {
440  Ret.Matrix[Row][Col] = -Matrix[Row][Col];
441  }
442  }
443  return Ret;
444  }
447  { return this->Matrix[Row]; }
449  const Real* Matrix3x3::operator[](const Whole Row) const
450  { return this->Matrix[Row]; }
452  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
453  // Fancy Math
456  {
457  Matrix3x3 Ret;
458  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; Row++ )
459  {
460  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; Col++ )
461  Ret.Matrix[Row][Col] = Matrix[Col][Row];
462  }
463  return Ret;
464  }
467  {
468  return Matrix3x3(CoFactor(1,1,2,2), CoFactor(0,2,2,1), CoFactor(0,1,1,2),
469  CoFactor(1,2,2,0), CoFactor(0,0,2,2), CoFactor(0,2,1,0),
470  CoFactor(1,0,2,1), CoFactor(0,1,2,0), CoFactor(0,0,1,1));
471  }
474  {
475  Matrix3x3 Ret;
476  Ret.Matrix[0][0] = Matrix[1][1] * Matrix[2][2] - Matrix[1][2] * Matrix[2][1];
477  Ret.Matrix[0][1] = Matrix[0][2] * Matrix[2][1] - Matrix[0][1] * Matrix[2][2];
478  Ret.Matrix[0][2] = Matrix[0][1] * Matrix[1][2] - Matrix[0][2] * Matrix[1][1];
479  Ret.Matrix[1][0] = Matrix[1][2] * Matrix[2][0] - Matrix[1][0] * Matrix[2][2];
480  Ret.Matrix[1][1] = Matrix[0][0] * Matrix[2][2] - Matrix[0][2] * Matrix[2][0];
481  Ret.Matrix[1][2] = Matrix[0][2] * Matrix[1][0] - Matrix[0][0] * Matrix[1][2];
482  Ret.Matrix[2][0] = Matrix[1][0] * Matrix[2][1] - Matrix[1][1] * Matrix[2][0];
483  Ret.Matrix[2][1] = Matrix[0][1] * Matrix[2][0] - Matrix[0][0] * Matrix[2][1];
484  Ret.Matrix[2][2] = Matrix[0][0] * Matrix[1][1] - Matrix[0][1] * Matrix[1][0];
486  Real Det = Matrix[0][0] * Ret.Matrix[0][0] + Matrix[0][1] * Ret.Matrix[1][0] + Matrix[0][2] * Ret.Matrix[2][0];
488  if( 0 == Det )
489  { MEZZ_EXCEPTION(ExceptionBase::ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION,"Determinant calculated in Matrix3x3::Inverse is zero. Avoiding divide by zero."); }
491  Real InvDet = 1.0 / Det;
492  for( Whole Row = 0 ; Row < 3 ; Row++)
493  {
494  for( Whole Col = 0 ; Col < 3 ; Col++)
495  Ret.Matrix[Row][Col] *= InvDet;
496  }
497  return Ret;
498  }
500  Real Matrix3x3::CoFactor(const Whole& Row1, const Whole& Col1, const Whole& Row2, const Whole& Col2) const
501  {
502  return Matrix[Row1][Col1] * Matrix[Row2][Col2] - Matrix[Row1][Col2] * Matrix[Row2][Col1];
503  }
505  void Matrix3x3::SetScale(const Vector3& Scaling)
506  {
507  Matrix[0][0] *= Scaling.X;
508  Matrix[0][1] *= Scaling.Y;
509  Matrix[0][2] *= Scaling.Z;
510  Matrix[1][0] *= Scaling.X;
511  Matrix[1][1] *= Scaling.Y;
512  Matrix[1][2] *= Scaling.Z;
513  Matrix[2][0] *= Scaling.X;
514  Matrix[2][1] *= Scaling.Y;
515  Matrix[2][2] *= Scaling.Z;
516  }
519  {
520  Real Test = Matrix[0][0] * Matrix[0][0] + Matrix[1][0] * Matrix[1][0] + Matrix[2][0] * Matrix[2][0];
521  if (!MathTools::WithinTolerance(Test,1.0,(Real)1e-04))
522  return true;
523  Test = Matrix[0][1] * Matrix[0][1] + Matrix[1][1] * Matrix[1][1] + Matrix[2][1] * Matrix[2][1];
524  if (!MathTools::WithinTolerance(Test,1.0,(Real)1e-04))
525  return true;
526  Test = Matrix[0][2] * Matrix[0][2] + Matrix[1][2] * Matrix[1][2] + Matrix[2][2] * Matrix[2][2];
527  if (!MathTools::WithinTolerance(Test,1.0,(Real)1e-04))
528  return true;
530  return false;
531  }
532 }//Mezzanine
534 #endif
void ExtractBulletMatrix3x3(const btMatrix3x3 &temp)
Gets the data from a Bullet Matrix3x3 and applies it to this.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:232
void SetScale(const Vector3 &Scaling)
Scales this Matrix.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:505
Matrix3x3 Adjoint() const
Gets the Adjoint of this Matrix.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:466
This is a 3x3 Matrix class used for representing rotations and scaling in an object.
Definition: matrix3x3.h:62
bool Boole
Generally acts a single bit, true or false.
Definition: datatypes.h:173
Real GetDeterminant() const
Gets the Determinant of this Matrix.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:187
Real X
Coordinate on the X vector.
Definition: vector3.h:85
Real Z
Coordinate on the Z vector.
Definition: vector3.h:89
void SetFromAxisAngle(const Vector3 &Axis, const Real &Angle)
Sets the Matrix from an Axis Angle.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:144
Ogre::Matrix3 GetOgreMatrix3x3() const
Gets an Ogre copy of this Matrix3x3.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:271
Matrix3x3 & operator-=(const Matrix3x3 &Other)
Subtraction Assignment operator.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:362
void SetValues(const Real &XX, const Real &XY, const Real &XZ, const Real &YX, const Real &YY, const Real &YZ, const Real &ZX, const Real &ZY, const Real &ZZ)
Sets the values for every number in the matrix.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:97
#define MEZZ_EXCEPTION(num, desc)
An easy way to throw exceptions with rich information.
Definition: exception.h:3048
Matrix3x3 Transpose() const
Gets the Transpose of this Matrix.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:455
Real LengthSqrd() const
Gets the squared length(len^2) of the quaternion.
Definition: quaternion.cpp:213
Real Y
The Y component of the Axis.
Definition: quaternion.h:77
Matrix3x3 operator-() const
Negative Unary operator.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:433
Matrix3x3 Inverse() const
Gets the Inverse of this Matrix.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:473
Boole operator!=(const Matrix3x3 &Other) const
Inequality comparison operator.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:292
Quaternion GetAsQuaternion() const
Gets this Matrix as a Quaternion.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:198
Boole operator==(const Matrix3x3 &Other) const
Equality comparison operator.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:279
void SetZero()
Sets all values in this Matrix to zero.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:177
void operator=(const Matrix3x3 &Other)
Assignment operator.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:422
Boole HasScaling() const
Checks to see if this Matrix has any scaling applied to it.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:518
float Real
A Datatype used to represent a real floating point number.
Definition: datatypes.h:141
Matrix3x3 & operator+=(const Matrix3x3 &Other)
Addition Assignment operator.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:350
btMatrix3x3 GetBulletMatrix3x3() const
Gets a Bullet copy of this Matrix3x3.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:249
Matrix3x3 & operator*=(const Matrix3x3 &Other)
Multiplication Assignment operator.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:374
void ExtractOgreMatrix3x3(const Ogre::Matrix3 &temp)
Gets the data from an Ogre Matrix3x3 and applies it to this.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:254
Real W
Rotation on the Axis X, Y and Z defined.
Definition: quaternion.h:81
Real Matrix[3][3]
The Matrix. Fo' Reals.
Definition: matrix3x3.h:66
Real Y
Coordinate on the Y vector.
Definition: vector3.h:87
Matrix3x3 operator*(const Matrix3x3 &Other) const
Multiplication operator.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:334
void SetIdentity()
Sets all values in this Matrix to Identity values.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:170
This is used to represent a point in space, or a vector through space.
Definition: vector3.h:77
Thrown when Math has failed.
Definition: exception.h:111
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.
Definition: actor.cpp:56
unsigned long Whole
Whole is an unsigned integer, it will be at least 32bits in size.
Definition: datatypes.h:151
Real X
The X component of the Axis.
Definition: quaternion.h:75
This is used to store information about rotation in 3d space.
Definition: quaternion.h:68
void SetFromQuaternion(const Quaternion &Rot)
Sets the Matrix from a quaternion.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:129
Real Z
The Z component of the Axis.
Definition: quaternion.h:79
Real * operator[](const Whole Row)
Array access operator.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:446
Real CoFactor(const Whole &Row1, const Whole &Col1, const Whole &Row2, const Whole &Col2) const
Gets the cofactor between two sets of rows/columns.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:500
Matrix3x3 operator+(const Matrix3x3 &Other) const
Addition operator.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:308
Non-Initialization constructor.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:52
void SetFromEulerZYX(const Real &Yaw, const Real &Pitch, const Real &Roll)
Sets the Matrix based on Euler angles.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:110
Class destructor.
Definition: matrix3x3.cpp:57