40 #ifndef _graphicsenumerations_h
41 #define _graphicsenumerations_h
183 OM_Portrait = OM_Degree_0,
184 OM_LandscapeRight = OM_Degree_90,
185 OM_LandscapeLeft = OM_Degree_270
214 PF_Byte_RGB = PF_R8G8B8,
215 PF_Byte_BGR = PF_B8G8R8,
216 PF_Byte_BGRA = PF_B8G8R8A8,
217 PF_Byte_RGBA = PF_R8G8B8A8,
220 PF_Byte_RGB = PF_B8G8R8,
221 PF_Byte_BGR = PF_R8G8B8,
222 PF_Byte_BGRA = PF_A8R8G8B8,
223 PF_Byte_RGBA = PF_A8B8G8R8,
234 PF_Float16_RGBA = 23,
238 PF_Float32_RGBA = 25,
251 PF_R11G11B10_Float = 44,
255 PF_R8G8B8A8_UInt = 48,
258 PF_R16G16B16_UInt = 51,
259 PF_R16G16B16A16_UInt = 52,
262 PF_R32G32B32_UInt = 55,
263 PF_R32G32B32A32_UInt = 56,
267 PF_R8G8B8A8_SInt = 60,
270 PF_R16G16B16_SInt = 63,
271 PF_R16G16B16A16_SInt = 64,
274 PF_R32G32B32_SInt = 67,
275 PF_R32G32B32A32_SInt = 68,
276 PF_R9G9B9E5_SharedExp = 69,
284 PF_BC7_UNorm_SRGB = 77,
289 PF_R8G8B8_SNorm = 82,
290 PF_R8G8B8A8_SNorm = 83,
292 PF_R16G16_SNorm = 85,
293 PF_R16G16B16_SNorm = 86,
294 PF_R16G16B16A16_SNorm = 87,
300 PF_ATC_RGBA_Explicit_Alpha = 93,
301 PF_ATC_RGBA_Interpolated_Alpha = 94,
Indicates MipMaps will be automatically generated for the texture.
Billboards are oriented around their own individually set direction axis, which will act as their loc...
A non-square 2D texture used in conjunction with 2D coordinates.
Position/Rotate around the Top-Right corner of the billboard.
Koala Paint image. Gonna level with you, when I looked up this format I found results that references...
This is used by LightProxies to describe how light is emitted from the proxy source.
(Kodak) Photo CD image. Lossless compression format that supports 24-bits-per-pixel. Does not support Alpha channel.
Truevision Graphics Adapter image. Lossless compression format that supports 24-bit or 32-bit integer...
An enum used to describe the various types of supported textures.
Icon image. This format isn't an image so much as it is a container for a bmp or png image...
No projection is used, objects appear to be flat.
Portable Float Map, an unofficial Netpbm format image. Lossless compression format that supports 8-bi...
The texture will never be read by the client application, only written to.
PowerVR image. Lossy compression format that supports 2-bit or 4-bit integer pixels formats...
Values for storing how perspective should be interpretted.
Used primarily by the graphics manager class during initialization.
JPEG 2000 image, an alternative name for jp2 image files. See jp2 extension information for more info...
Shorthand for jpeg. See jpeg extension information for more information.
A combination of TU_Static and TU_Write_Only.
Used to report error conditions.
Joint Photographic Experts Group image. Lossy compression format that supports 24-bits-per-pixel inte...
Vertices form lines. Each line segment has it's own distinct pair of Vertices. Vertices are not expec...
A texture used in conjunction with 2D coordinates to be applied to the faces of a cube...
Billboards are oriented around a common axis provided to the BillboardSetProxy, which will act as the...
Portable Bitmap, a Netpbm format image. Uncompressed format that supports only 1-bit-per-pixel. Does not support Alpha channel. Writing is supported.
Multiple-image Network Graphics image. This is an animated image format that can have frames encoded ...
Shorthand for tiff. See tiff extension information for more information.
By default textures are TU_Static_Write_Only and TU_AutoMipMap.
Vertices form triangles. The first triangle is defined with 3 Vertices and each triangle after requir...
Personal Computer Exchange image. This was the first widely accepted DOS image format! In the off cha...
Billboards are oriented around a common axis provided to the BillboardSetProxy, which will act as the...
Rotates the texture coordinates of the billboard when rotated, preserving the vertex positions...
Portable Graymap, a Netpbm format image. Uncompressed format that can support 8-bit or 16-bit pixels ...
Sun Raster image. Lossless compression format that supports 1-bit, 8-bit, and 24-bit integer pixel fo...
(Macintosh QuickDraw) Picture image, an alternative name for pict image files. See pict extension inf...
Vertices are just a bunch of points. Do not form polygons.
Default setting. Billboard direction always faces the camera and is always oriented to be upright...
Silicon Graphics Image. Lossless compression format that supports 24-bit or 48-bit integer pixel form...
JPEG XR image. This extends the the JPEG standard by adding support for lossless compression and enab...
Acronym unknown. Lossless compression format that supports 1-bit-per-pixel integer pixel format...
Alternative name for jxr. See jxr extension information for more information.
Alternative name for jxr. See jxr extension information for more information.
Portable Pixmap, a Netpbm format image. Uncompressed format that can support 8-bit or 16-bit integer ...
Used to describe low level assembly of Meshes. Mostly for internal use.
DirectDraw Surface image. Lossy or Lossless compression format that supports a wide range of pixel fo...
An enum used to describe how the buffer of a texture will be used.
Wireless Bitmap image. Lossless compression format that supports 1-bit-per-pixel integer pixel format...
JPEG 2000 image. This format extends the JPEG format by improving the underlying compression algorith...
Rotates the vertices of the billboard when rotated.
This is used by the BillboardSetProxy to describe which part of the billboard will be treated as the ...
Shorthand for wbmp. See wbmp extension information for more information.
Only points for each of the vertices are rendered.
Similar to RO_TriangleString, first triangle defined with 3 Vertices and each triangle after requires...
Truevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter image, an alternative name for tga image files...
X11 Bitmap image. Uncompressed format that uses c-style syntax to provide instructions on how to cons...
Indicated this texture will be used each frame for scene rendering.
Position/Rotate around the Top-Left corner of the billboard.
From a point in space, like a Torch, campfire, muzzle flash, Mutant Fireflies, bonfires, light bulbs, non-hooded lantern, the DnD D20 Light spell, explosions, and scotch tape separating from the roll in a unlit vacuum. There may be other uses, be creative.
Portable Network Graphics image. Lossless compression format that generally is 32-bits-per-pixel inte...
JPEG Network Graphics image. This format extends the JPEG format by supporting Lossless or Lossy comp...
This is used to describe how bits are arraged for each pixel in an image.
Position/Rotate around the Center of the billboard.
Bitmap image. Lossless compression format that can support most non-float pixel formats. Supports Alpha channel. Writing is supported.
Tagged Image File Format image. Lossless compression format that supports 1-bit, 2-bit, 8-bit, or 32-bit integer pixels formats, as well as 32-bit or 64-bit float or double pixel formats. Supports Alpha channel. Writing is supported.
Position/Rotate around the Center-Left side of the billboard.
High Dynamic Ranging image. Lossless compression format that stores RGB in 8-bit colour channels with...
Acronym unknown. Lossless compression format that supports 8-bits-per-pixel integer pixel format if i...
Vertices form lines. The first line is defined with 2 Vertices and each line after requires one addit...
Interchange File Format image. Lossless compression format that supports 8-bit integer colour channel...
A combination of TU_Dynamic and TU_Write_Only.
Used exclusively in error conditions.
JPEG 2000 Codestream image. This is an image format that is generally embedded inside a jp2 or j2k im...
X11 Pixmap image. Lossless compression format that supports 24-bit integer pixel formats. Does not support Alpha channel. Writing is supported.
Like TU_Dynamic_Write_Only, but also the contents of the texture buffer may be completely regenerated...
From one direction, like sunlight.
JPEG Interchange Format image, subtle alternative in how pixels are packed to the jpeg extension...
This is used by CameraProxies to quickly set a different render mode that is useful for debugging gra...
A normal 2 dimensional texture.
From a point emanating in a cone, like a flashlight, hooded lantern, really bright computer screens...
Alternative name for ktx. See ktx extension information for more information.
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.
Position/Rotate around the Bottom-Center of the billboard.
Photoshop Document image. Normal image format properties are unknown, but psd files are designed to s...
Position/Rotate around the Bottom-Right corner of the billboard.
This enum describes the various file formats for images supported by the Mezzanine.
Normal (realistic) perspective.
Graphics Interchange Format image. Lossless compression format that supports 8-bits-per-pixel and ani...
(Google) Webp image. Lossless or lossy compression format that supports 8-bit integer colour channels...
The texture may be changed most or every frame by the client application.
Position/Rotate around the Center-Right side of the billboard.
This is used by BillboardSetProxies to describe how the billboards are to be oriented.
Wireframes for all the meshes and geometry are rendered.
(Macintosh QuickDraw) Picture image. This is a file that stores 16-bit opcodes that provide instructi...
This is used primarily by the GraphicsManager to keep track of the supported and currently used aspec...
Acronym unknown. Uses Ericsson Texture Compression which is lossy and supports 8-bit colour channels...
Interleaved Bitmap image, which is an alternative name to the iff image format. See iff extension inf...
The texture will rarely be modified by the client application.
Acronym unknown. Supports Lossless or Lossy compression with 16-bit float, 32-bit float...
This is used by the BillboardSetProxy to decide how billboards should be rotated when they are reques...
Shorthand for jpeg. See jpeg extension information for more information.
Shorthand for wbmp. See wbmp extension information for more information.
Vertices form triangles. Each triangle has it's own distinct set of Vertices. Vertices are not expect...
Position/Rotate around the Bottom-Left corner of the billboard.
Position/Rotate around the Top-Center of the billboard.
This is used by CameraProxies to determine the orientation of the camera frustrum.
Billboards are oriented around their own individually set direction axis, which will act as their loc...
(Macintosh QuickDraw) Picture image, an alternative name for pict image files. See pict extension inf...