40 #ifndef _eventarguments_h
41 #define _eventarguments_h
80 {
return ++this->RefCount; }
84 {
return --this->RefCount; }
88 {
return this->RefCount; }
Whole DecrementReferenceCount()
Decrease the reference count by one and return the updated count.
CountedPtr< EventArguments > EventArgumentsPtr
Convenience typedef for passing around EventArguments.
const String EventName
The name of the event being fired.
All the definitions for datatypes as well as some basic conversion functions are defined here...
A simple reference counting pointer.
Whole GetReferenceCount() const
Get the current amount of references.
EventArguments RefCountType
Typedef communicating the reference count type to be used.
EventArguments * GetReferenceCountTargetAsPointer()
Gets the actual pointer to the target of the base type.
static RefCountType * ConstructionPointer(RefCountType *Target)
Method responsible for creating a reference count for a CountedPtr of the templated type...
This is used to deduce at compile if a specific class has built-in reference counting or needs an ext...
virtual ~EventArguments()
Class destructor.
This file describes and implements a reference counted pointer that is NOT threadsafe.
EventArguments(const String &Name)
Class constructor.
A static cast from the pointer as provided with no attempt to calls functions on the pointer target...
Whole IncrementReferenceCount()
Increase the reference count by one and return the updated count.
This is a common class to represent all possible arguments for a given event that is fired...
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.
unsigned long Whole
Whole is an unsigned integer, it will be at least 32bits in size.
std::string String
A datatype used to a series of characters.
virtual EventArguments * GetMostDerived()
Get a pointer to the most Derived type of this instance.