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XML Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for XML:


file  attribute.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  attribute.h [code]
 Contains the definition for the XML::Attribute class.
file  attributeiterator.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  attributeiterator.h [code]
 Contains the defintion of the AttributeIterator class.
file  document.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  document.h [code]
 The definition of the XML::Document Class.
file  memorymanagement.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  memorymanagement.h [code]
 The xml memory management system must be integrated into the rest of the Mezzanine resource management syste, until that happens it will reside here.
file  node.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  node.h [code]
 This defines the Mezzanine::XML::Node one of the central XML classes.
file  nodeiterator.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  nodeiterator.h [code]
 Contains the defintion of the Mezzanine::XML::NodeIterator and Mezzanine::XML::NamedNodeIterator class.
file  nodetext.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  nodetext.h [code]
 The declaration of the XML::NodeText class.
file  objectrange.h [code]
 Contains the implementation of the ObjectRange class template.
file  parseresult.cpp [code]
file  parseresult.h [code]
file  treewalker.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  treewalker.h [code]
 This defines the TreeWalker Interface.
file  writer.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  writer.h [code]
 The definitions for all of the XML::Writer inheritance hierarchy.
file  xml.cpp [code]
file  xml.h [code]
file  xmlboilerplate.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  xmlboilerplate.h [code]
 Describe file here.
file  xmlenumerations.h [code]
 Enumerations and constant values used primarily in the XML system but useful for interacting with it in other places.
file  xmlstring.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  xmlstring.h [code]
 A few functions to help the XML system perform conversions between UTF8 and the native wide character UTF implementation.
file  xpathnode.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  xpathnode.h [code]
 The definition of the Mezzanine::XML::XPathNode.
file  xpathnodeset.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  xpathnodeset.h [code]
 This file contains the defintion of the Mezzanine::XML::XPathNodeSet.
file  xpathparseresult.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  xpathparseresult.h [code]
 Has all the classes for the XPath implementation.
file  xpathquery.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  xpathquery.h [code]
 The definition of the Mezzanine::XML::XPathQuery .
file  xpathvariable.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  xpathvariable.h [code]
 The XPathVariable class definition.
file  xpathvariableset.cpp [code]
 Describe file here.
file  xpathvariableset.h [code]
 The definition of the Mezzanine::XML::XPathVariableSet.