40 #ifndef _resourceutilities_h
41 #define _resourceutilities_h
63 Boole MEZZ_LIB RemoveFile(const String& PathAndFile);// */
StringVector GetSystemPATH(const String &PATH)
Get the $PATH or PATH% split and order for easy checking of how the OS does it.
std::vector< String > StringVector
This is a simple datatype for a vector container of strings.
bool Boole
Generally acts a single bit, true or false.
String ResolveDataPathFromString(const String &PathVar)
Resolves a string describing one of the platform data paths to the actual path it is...
String GetExecutableDir()
Get the Path to the current executable, in a fast way if possible.
Char8 GetPathSeparator()
Get the character used to separate entries in the system PATH.
All the definitions for datatypes as well as some basic conversion functions are defined here...
Boole CreateDirectoryPath(const String &DirectoryPath)
Creates all directories that do not exist in the provided path.
String CombinePathAndFileName(const String &FilePath, const String &FileName)
Convenience method to verify the necessary system separator is present when concatenating.
String GetExecutableDirFromArg()
Uses the main parameters stored using "CacheMainArgs" to attempt determine executable directory...
String GetLocalAppDataDir()
Gets the path to the directory intended for game and engine config data that is not meant to be share...
String GetShareableAppDataDir()
Gets the path to the directory intended for game and engine config data that is allowed to be shared...
StringVector GetDirContents(const String &Dir)
Get a Listing of the files and subdirectories in a directory.
void ChangeWorkingDirectory(const String &ChangeTo)
Change directory, to the directory indicated.
char Char8
A datatype to represent one character.
String DirName(const String &FileName)
Get the directory portion of a string.
String Which(const String &ExecutableName)
Search the system path the same way most systems do to find an executable.
String GetWorkingDirectory()
Get the working directory as a Mezzanine::String.
String GetCommonUserDataDir()
Gets the path to the directory intended for game saves and user profile data for all users...
String GetExecutableDirFromSystem()
Used a system call to get the curent Directory the executable is in. This make an external system cal...
Boole CreateDirectory(const String &DirectoryPath)
Creates a single new directory.
Char8 GetDirectorySeparator()
Get the character used to separate directories.
String BaseName(const String &FileName)
Get the filename portion of a string.
void RemoveDirectory(const String &DirectoryPath)
Remove an empty directory. Error this might throw a Mezzanine::IOException with details about why it ...
The bulk of the engine components go in this namspace.
void CacheMainArgs(int ArgCount, char **ArgVars)
Store the Main arguments for later use.
std::string String
A datatype used to a series of characters.
Boole DoesDirectoryExist(const String &DirectoryPath)
Checks to see if the given path exists and if it is a folder. Error this might throw a Mezzanine::IOE...
String GetCurrentUserDataDir()
Gets the path to the directory intended for game saves and user profile data for the current user...